the distraction

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Lexi was shown sitting in her truck as she blows out rings of smoke as she was smoking a cigarette while hope was checking out her nails when billy walks over.

"What ever y'all did worked she's was histaric running out the bathroom pale white"he says smirking.

"We do have our talents"Lexi says as she and hope share knowing smirks.

"Know we need to make a distraction that will help out with the party later"he says while looking at his mates beauty how he got so lucky is a mystery.

Lexi hums as she thinks before smirking deadly before turning to hope"didn't you say that the principal was a little handsy with his female students"she asked as hope chuckles darkly making billy confused "what"he asked.

Lexi turns to her mate"you see I know who would work wonderful for the distraction since the principal wants to act like a pig he's gonna be swcred like one"she says with a dark look in her eyes.

Many shiver at the darkness in her eyes. Rebekah turns to her daughter "I'm proud of you"she says with a smirk as she and her daughter laugh.

"How can you choose them over me Stefan"Elena wines making the ripper annoyed.

"Because one she's more women then you are and 2 she's my mate and 3 my daughter is the best thing that has ever happened in our life's."Stefan says annoyed as Rebekah smirks tauntingly at the Doppleganger who glares.

So the plan was the boys would make noise to get the principals attention so that Lexi and hope can sneak into the office waiting for the right moment.

The principal can be seen in front of his mirror putting on the mask shaking his hands mimicking it growling noise messing around in his office while laughing to himself.a knocking is soon heard making him immediately take the mask off and he's turning to the door. He stares for a minute before slightly walking forward grabbing the door knob. then pulls it open fast. while sticking his head out looking left and right down a small hallway of offices.

"We're is all the staff"Bonnie says noticing he was the only one in the office.

Lexi and hope share secret smirks with one another.

"Yes? Hello?"he calls out in to silent hallway waiting for a response for a moment before leaning back into his office closing the door.he turns only to jump scarring him self as he was still holding onto the mask.he forgot he had it in his hold this entire time before looking into the mirror and runs his hand through his hair fixing it make sure it's all right.

Before he hears a knocking again turning to the door making him Huff swinging his office door open. stepping out completely out of his office as he looks around before tossing the mask back into his office then storms towards the main office store swinging it open.he then walks into the main office area looking all around as he walks further in. He walks around each this checking to make sure nobody was making a prank on him. Before he walks around a row of filing cabinets to the main office doors grabbing the knob on the left side of the double Glassdoor window swinging it open. Stepping out slightly"damn little shits"the principal says sticking it was a bunch of students trying to prank him. before a voice is heard behind them making him turn to see the janitor who is dressed just like Freddy Krueger"what'd you call me? Huh?"he ask as he is hunched over with a mop as he was cleaning the school hallway floors.

"Hey isn't he kinda dressed like Freddy Krueger"kol asked with his head tilted.

"Not you Fred"the principal says before turning to walk back into the main office while fred is mutters to himself angrily. As he looks around once more about each desk not finding anything. he makes his way back to the hallway offices through the main door.

He walks through the door back into his office before jumping seeing the two new students Lexi who was sitting on top of the desk while hope leans against the desk "girls you scared the crap out of me"he says breathing heavily.

Lexi fakes a pout"now what gave that away"she says with her head tilting as the principal looks her up and down.

"Well what can I help you girls with"he says fixing his hair.

"To Mr you don't seem like a man who wants to talk but more of a feeling around kind of guy"hope says as she and Lexi push off the desk as Lexi and her walk around him as he follows there body language with his eyes.

Many growls can be heard as billy and Stu grab there mates who laugh while others look at the man on screen disgust.

While hope keeps the principal distracted Lexi pushed him against the desk hard when he chokes as she grabs him by the neck"that's a good human"she says as her eyes darken as the man chokes before reaching on his desk before grabbing a pencil before stabbing it in Lexi's eyes as she roars backing away grabbing her face.

Billy having heard his mate roar he hangs the door closed wearing his ghost face costume The principal turns around fast startled and screams before he is grabbed as hope and the killer grabs him by his arms as hope hisses loudly as the man looks at the student with fear as she bares her fangs and vines slither under her eyes.

Lexi grips the pincel before yanking it out with a deep growl as she breaks it in her hands as blood runs down her face"well human guess we can skip the talk and straight to the killing"she says coldy as she turns glareing at the man she had read his thoughts and how many innocent girls were his victims.

The human whimpers when billy snaps his arm as he screams in agony when blood rush out the wound with the bone sticking out. Lexi holds her hand out as a butcher knife appears as she grips it tightly Walking slowly towards the crying man before lifting his face up with the blade making him look up at Lexi as her hybrid face comes out.

"Prepare to die for your sins"she says coldy before he screams as blood splashes everywhere as she hand made him eyeless as she sliced clean through them before he screams as hope rips through his throat as blood gushes out as billy grips the knife before he stabs the man over and over "ahh!ahh! Ahhh!"the man screams as he was being drained of blood by the three before he falls limp as hope pulls her fangs out the man as billy pulls out his knife before they let the man drop to the ground with a thud.

Billy takes his mask over holding his mates face in his hands"man you look good with blood on you"he says breathing heavily as Lexi smirks before pulling him into a kiss as they grip onto each other as hope whistles with a smirks before soon the three vampires vanished with the dead body.

Everyone sits in silence as they just witnessed the three murder someone so brutally on screen before kol cackles as he speeds over to his neice as he picks her up as he spins her around "I'm so proud of you my neice I have so much to teach you"he says with a big smile as she laughs at her uncle while his brother share worried looks they didn't need another kol.

Stefan glares a billy for kissing his daughter while Rebekah laughs at her husband.

Damon scoffs "that's just great then will have two kols"he says making Lexi whirling around with a glare"at least my uncle kol isn't a man whore look you"she hisses loudly as Damon glares at his niece as they have a glare down making everyone tense.

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