Chapter 16

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Hello guys I am back and I know your all like come on post more of your story. So here you are


It's good to be back to writing.

So her you are lovelies.


I woke up with a bag over my head. Okay who's cliche idea was this?

"So we meet again Am-" A mans voice starts.

The bag has been taken off my head. And I see an older looking man around 50 with a look of surprise.

"Huh, Amy is already gone? Wow he just breezes the through them like tic-tacs." He said.

"Amy Pond was amazing!" I defended. I don't even know who this person is but looks like Amy does.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"We'll let's see should i tell you? Eh, sure. I like the name dream-lord." He said.

"Dream-lord." I asked. "Really?"

"Yes." He stated plainly.

"You will work just as well for this as it would for Amy. Okay, lets see how hard I have to push until I break you." He taunted.


"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Creating a serum for you." He said.

"Serum? For what?" I didn't really want to know.

"Fear, I got this from an old friendly of mine. Jeanine Matthews, nice woman. Well in my point of view." He laughed.

"Wait so what does it do?" I asked.

"Wow, you are not too bright are you, this serum will be injected into your neck and insert a chemical that brings out all your worst fears and you can't come out until you face them." He said.

Needle. That's all I heard. Needle. I have an extreme fear of needles it's almost ridiculous.

"Ready?" He said smiling.

"Wait, why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Now if I told you it wouldn't be as fun now would it." He said.

I tried to calm myself down and loosen up.

He injected the needle into my neck and it was dark.


I ran where the sound came from and found him. Laying in the ground, no it wasn't The Doctor I actually thought it would be but it was David.

I was really confused why was David here?

I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach. He was my best friend my whole life, should I really be that angry?

He was crippled on the floor and I felt a lump in my throat.

"David?" I asked. "David what are you doing? Get up."

He just lied there motionless.

"David stop it wake up."


I picked him up, he has always been light.

I started walking and looked for The Doctor.

After what seemed like a half hour, (really about one minute)I gave up. I was more calm then thought I would be.

I lied him down on his back and put my head up to his chest.


I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I was somewhere else.

I didn't know where I was, well since I have been with the Doctor that's not new. But it was different. He was t by my side ranting off about something "spacey wacey".

There wasn't anyone else it was just me.

I was in a city and everyone was gone It wasn't even like they were gone for that long everything was like they were just gone still taken care of...

Then I realized what this was.


You know how when you get a cut and at first it isn't that bad, but when you look at it it seems to have started to hurt.

That was what this was.

I started to look around quickly and wondered how I even got here. I don't remember coming here.

I sat on a bench and tried to remember, I was with the Doctor. Going to...some music planet, then he wasn't there.

There was another man. I remember needle. Yes, needle went into my neck. What for though?


Fear serum.

These were my fears.

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