It's Okay, I Promise

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Cheryl and Toni were still sitting opposite each other, and neither of them had got bored of the other's company. "Okay I may have lied." Toni admitted. Cheryl was confused by this, and her eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?" The redhead asked the brunette. Toni gulped before speaking, "I had a massive crush on you as well." This really surprised Cheryl as she was a nerd in high school. "Really? I was a nerdy girl." She said, and Toni giggled. "A hot nerd." She complimented the redhead. Cheryl shook her head, "I wasn't. I was basically a ghost," Cheryl looked down at the table, but Toni kept looking at her. "Not to me. I just didn't know your name or who you were." Toni smiled. Cheryl smiled back before looking outside and checking her phone. "It's only getting worse out there, and service is completely gone." Cheryl said, frowning at the weather. Toni wanted to spend more and more time with Cheryl. "Stay here with me," Toni offered gently to the redhead. Cheryl looked at the brunette feeling bad. "Are you sure? I don't wanna be a burden." Cheryl said, being polite as ever, Toni was insistent that the redhead stayed with her. "I'm not going anywhere." Toni reassured her. Cheryl smiled and nodded. "Do you live close to here?" Cheryl asked.
"My apartment is down the road." Toni replied. "You?" She asked.
"I live uptown. On the upper east side." Cheryl responded.
"Oh damn,"
"Yeah, uh, do you think we could brave it out in the rain enough to get to your place?" Cheryl asked shyly, and Toni nodded. "Yeah just let me change out of my uniform," She replied, and the redhead nodded. Toni went into the back to change, forgetting there was no door. Cheryl quickly looked over and then back down again after she realised how creepy that may look if she was to get caught watching the brunette change. Toni walked back through wearing red chequered trousers, her favourite band t-shirt, serpent necklace, and Serpent jacket. She had topped the outfit off with black, heeled boots. "You ready to go, love?" Toni spoke. The redhead blushed at the nickname, "Uh yeah," She answered, not realising that she had stuttered. Toni, of course, didn't fail to notice Cheryl's cheeks go pink. "I saw you blush, Blossom," Toni giggled. "I- uh... Come on," Cheryl stuttered again

They both walked into Toni's apartment, and it was basically pristine, but any mess whatsoever, and Toni will think it looks horrendous. "It's messy, I apologise." Toni spoke, and the redhead shook her head. "It's alright, no need to apologise." she smiled at the brunette. Cheryl looked around, and that genuine smile that Toni loved appeared on Cheryl's lips. "It's really cosy." Cheryl said, looking at Toni. Cheryl was starting to feel something that she hadn't felt since high school, but she was scared that Toni didn't feel the same way anymore. "Yeah my heating system broke." Toni admitted to the redhead. Cheryl nodded. "That's okay. We can improvise. Do you have any blankets?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the brunette. Toni giggled. "Tons. I collect blankets. Sit down, make yourself comfortable, and I'll go grab some." and that is exactly what Cheryl did. Toni made her way upstairs and collected as many cosy blankets as she possibly could. When she got back into the living room, she saw Cheryl sitting there with a smile on her face. The redhead thanked the brunette. Toni just shook her head and sat next to Cheryl, who smiled once again. She covered the two of them in a warm blanket. "So what brought you to the city?" Cheryl asked curiously. "College, you?" Toni replied. Cheryl shook her head playfully. "I'm sure you know," Of course, Toni knew why Cheryl was in New York, but she was more curious to know why she was in the not-s-rich parts of New York City. "No, I mean what's a beautiful, successful actress like you doing down here?" She reworded her previous question. Cheryl went bright red. "Well this is going to sound embarrassing." She said the last thing Toni wanted was for Cheryl to feel embarrassed or like she could say something in fear of being judged. Toni wanted the redhead to feel safe with her. "You can tell me, it's okay." She reassured the redhead.

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