💔Don't scare me like that, idiot🤗

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It was no secret that Shota and Hizashi cared about each other a great deal, they had been the best of friends since they were kids attending UA themselves.

While on patrol one night, a villain suddenly attacks them, leaving them both severely injured, worn and beaten.

Mic got the blunt of the blows dealt by the villain, who had eventually been apprehended by Aizawa.

Mic had been knocked unconscious, once the villain had been subdued and arrested, Aizawa turned his attention back to his best friend, worry crossing over his face.

"Hizashi? Hizashi!" he exclaimed, kneeling down beside him, he bit his lip when Hizashi didn't move or react in any way.

"Z-Zashi... Wake up..." he whispered, gently patting his cheek, he couldn't stop himself from softly crying.

"Please say something, look at me, open your eyes, anything. Please... I-I... I love you..." he buried his tear stained face against Hizashi's shoulder, then his head shot up when he heard a very faint chuckle.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that Eraserhead being emotional in public?" Mic croaked, a small smile on his face.

Aizawa stared at him with wide eyes, tears trickling down his face.

"Hizashi...!" he sighed in relief and squeezed his friend into a gentle hug.

"Don't scare me like that, idiot"

Hizashi chuckled softly. "I can't make any promises, Sho, being a hero comes with sacrifices and lots of risks"

"You think I don't know that? I just.... I can't stand the thought of losing you, Zashi"

Hizashi reached up with his hand and cupped Aizawa's tear stained face. "Hey, it's gonna take a lot more than some bad guy to bring me down. Hehe"

Aizawa smiled a bit and gently picked Hizashi up. "Just rest, I'll take you to the nurse's office"

He carried him to Recovery Girl, where he was bandaged and given medicine.

Aizawa stayed by his side and refused to leave, even when he had to teach, he had one of the other pro heroes cover for him.

Hizashi ended up staying in the hospital for a few days until he was fully recovered, Aizawa slept even less than usual during that time.

Recovery Girl had to convince him to go home a few times.

When Hizashi was released from the hospital, Aizawa felt like the weight of his worries had been lifted from his shoulders.

He then remembered that he had told Hizashi that he loved him and kept wondering if he felt the same.

The next time the two saw each other, Aizawa wasn't entirely sure how to bring up the subject, he didn't even know if Hizashi had heard his confession.

Still, he steeled his nerves and took a deep breath.

"Hey, Hizashi?" he sounded uncharacteristically uneasy and nervous.

Hizashi looked at him curiously. "Yeah?"

"Do you remember when you were hurt?"

Hizashi nodded.

"Well, I confessed that I had feelings for you. I said I love you and it's true" Aizawa rubbed his neck sheepishly.

Hizashi blushed at that, he then smiled and gave Aizawa a kiss. "I love you too"

Aizawa blushed madly, freezing in shock at the sudden kiss, he then relaxed and happily kissed back.

Once they pulled away, they smiled at each other and continued their patrol, hand in hand.

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