☁Care of a mate☁

147 3 4

Request made for Weirdass_shipper21

Sebastian stood by Ciel's side as per usual while the young Earl had lunch with Alois, his betrothal.

Sebastian usually could stand for hours at a time, but he noticed that he had developed an ache in his back after a while of standing there.

Claude was standing next to Alois, he noticed how uncomfortable the raven looked and felt concerned for him.

It was no secret that once Ciel and Alois became a couple that Claude and Sebastian naturally gravitated toward each other.

Since then, they've been in their own relationship and Claude was overly protective of him sometimes, through their bond, they could sense if the other was feeling distressed or hurt at all.

He couldn't ignore how Sebastian pressed his knuckles into his lower back, and ever so slightly winced when his hand pressed against the sore muscles.

Without hesitation, Claude was by Sebastian's side with his arm around his waist.

"My sincerest apologies, my young Lords, but I have a very urgent matter in need of my attention" he looked at Sebastian with a warm smile and gently nuzzled against his cheek.

The two Earls exchanged glances, Alois giggled softly and waved a dismissive hand. "You can go, Claude, attend to your love and I shall attend to mine"

He looked at Ciel with a mischievous gleam in his sky blue eyes, causing the younger of the pair to blush crimson.

Claude bowed and, without so much as a second thought, he scooped Sebastian into his arms like a blushing bride and disappeared from the dining room.

Upon being literally swept up off his feet, Sebastian gave an ungraceful yelp of surprise and buried his face against Claude's chest in embarrassment.

Claude chuckled, causing his chest to rumble a bit.

Once they were in their room, Claude set Sebastian on their bed and began to strip him of his uniform without a care.

"That wasn't very proper in front of the masters" Sebastian half heartedly grumbled, but his smile remained, watching with curious red eyes as Claude removed his uniform and shoes.

Claude looked up with a smile, he was kneeling in front of the bed where Sebastian sat, his fingers gently rubbing his legs in small circles.

Sebastian closed his eyes and sighed softly.

Claude kept massaging Sebastian's legs, his hands moving to massage his hips.

Sebastian melted into Claude's touch, he leaned back until he was laying down, allowing Claude to crawl into bed, continuing the massage.

"Your muscles are quite tense, my love" Claude said with a slight frown.

Sebastian slightly opened his eyes to look at Claude. "That happens when you've been using your muscles for a long period of time, dear"

Claude nodded, continuing to work the knots from his mate's hips and back. "Even so, allow me to care for you, my raven" he whispered against Sebastian's ear.

Once Sebastian had been completely stripped of his uniform, Claude scooped him up again and carried him to the bathroom, he filled their bathtub with warm water and rose scented oil, then he undressed as well and sunk into the warm water, offering a hand out to help Sebastian into the tub.

Sebastian smiled and accepted the offered hand, moaning softly when his skin touched the warm water.

He leaned back against Claude's chest and closed his eyes, allowing his mate to soak a washcloth into the warm water and begin rinsing his skin.

Claude smiled when he felt Sebastian's tense muscles relax against his touch.

After a few minutes, Claude noticed that Sebastian had grown quiet, he realized that he had dozed off.

He chuckled softly and very gently picked Sebastian up and stepped out of the tub.

Claude laid Sebastian on their bed and gently dried him off, then he dressed him in a nightgown.

Afterwards, he got dressed for bed as well and laid down next to him, pulling Sebastian close to his chest and kissing his forehead.

"I love you, my raven. Pleasant dreams" he whispered against Sebastian's hair, admiring the scent of roses.

Sebastian muttered a soft goodnight in return and snuggled up to his spider's chest.

Claude smiled sweetly and rubbed his hand up and down Sebastian's back until he fell asleep peacefully with his mate wrapped in his arms.

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