👶Worth the struggles👶

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William Moriarty was happily married to Sherlock Holmes and expecting their first baby, although recently, he was getting quite irritable with being a week and a few days overdue, with futile attempts at trying to induce his labor, he was close to giving up with trying.

One day, he woke up to a slight cramp in his side, but didn't think much of it, he grunted softly when he stood up from his place on his bed, his abdomen heavy and hanging lower than usual, but he chose to just ignore it and got up to get started for the day.

He tried to get dressed, but realized that none of his nice clothes fit anymore, he sighed softly and figured he'd stay in his nightgown, it was comfortable anyway.

He made his way to his office and sat down at his desk with a soft grunt.

These days he couldn't teach at the university because he was supposed to be on bed rest but it didn't stop him from having the university mail him some papers to grade and look over, if he didn't have something to occupy his mind while being stuck at home, he was surely to go mad.

Just like Sherlock, he got dreadfully bored when he didn't have anything to do.

It didn't help any that his husband, his brother Louis, Dr. Watson and his brother Albert fussed over him constantly, especially now with him being overdue and looking ready to pop at any day.

Louis had told him several times that he thought he was having twins, but he found the notion to be absurd, they didn't have any history of twins in their family that he was aware of.

Louis and Dr. Watson were expecting a baby of their own, but neither of them were aware of this, Louis was way more focused on William.

As he sat at his desk, he could barely focus on his grading, the occasional pains he had been feeling kept coming every few minutes, to the point he couldn't sit still and had to stand up.

He walked around his study for a few minutes, trying to figure out what was causing the pains he was feeling.

Suddenly, he gasped softly and leaned against a wall, his legs began to tremble a bit.

He felt a warm liquid dripping down his legs and realized that his water broke, that meant that he was finally going into labor.

He wasn't sure if he should feel shocked or relieved that he was finally going into labor, he settled for a combination of shock and relief.

He slowly sat down at his desk again to try and collect himself, then he remembered what was going on and slowly stood back up and made his way to find Sherlock or Louis or someone around the manor who could help somehow.

He tried his best to stay calm, but it was proving to be extremely difficult with his contractions coming and going every few minutes.

After a few minutes of walking from his study to the living room, he sat down on the couch and rubbed his belly, letting out a few soft breaths.

Louis noticed that William seemed uncomfortable.

"Is everything okay, brother?" he asked with a worried frown.

William looked toward Louis and smiled in reassurance, although, he was having a hard time hiding his discomfort.

"Yes, brother. I'm fine, just a tad uncomfortable is all. Do you think you could find Sherlock for me?"

Louis realized what was going on and quickly nodded. "Of course, I'll be right back"

Not long after Louis had walked away, William started feeling uncomfortable again, he closed his eyes and took several slow, deep breaths.

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