🔞🍋Bloodlust 🔞🍋

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Recently, Noé has been having some... Pretty suggestive dreams about Vanitas, it made him question how he actually felt about him.

One night when he went to sleep, he had yet another dream about Vanitas.

~Inside Noé's dream~

"Come on, Noé~ Don't you want to drink my blood?~" Vanitas whispered into his ear, trailing his fingers down his chest.

Noé shivered, Vanitas' blood smelled so sweet, he licked his lips, gulping softly.

"Can I...?" he asked softly, cupping the back of Vanitas' head, and gently weaving his fingers through raven hair.

"Go on, Noé~" Vanitas whispered.

Noé took a deep breath, a dark blush then spread across his face, he closed his eyes and sunk his fangs into Vanitas' neck, his mouth being filled with the warm, sweet tasting liquid.

When he felt satisfied, he pulled away and licked the wound clean, then he kissed Vanitas passionately.

"Vanitas~ Vanitas~" he moaned in between their heated kiss

"Vanitas... Vanitas..." Noé muttered in his sleep, he felt an uncomfortable tightness in his pajama pants and slightly opened his eyes, he realized that whatever it was that he was dreaming had been enough to arouse him.

He blushed madly and sat there, trying to figure out what to do about it.

It was then that he noticed Vanitas coming down the hallway with a lit candle, that sweet scent filled his nose when Vanitas peeked his head into the room, noticing the hunger in Noé's eyes.

Vanitas smirked and walked into Noé's room. "Dreaming about me again?~" he asked teasingly, perching himself on the edge of Noé's bed.

Noé's eyes widened. "W-what?! H-how did you know about my dreams?" he asked.

"I can hear you moaning my name at night in your sleep. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to know that I have this type of affect on you" Vanitas gestured to the visible tent peeking up out of the blanket covering Noé's waist.

Noé blushed madly and covered himself with his pillow. "I-I'm sorry about that..."

"What are you apologizing for? It's obvious you want more than just my blood~" Vanitas got dangerously close to Noé's ear, playfully nibbling at his earlobe.

Noé gasped softly and covered his mouth to stifle a moan, his body shivering. "V-Vanitas.... P-please" he moaned.

"Please what?~" Vanitas whispered, trailing his lips down Noé's neck, gently sucking on his skin.

"Please Vanitas... Stop teasing me" Noé begged, swiftly pressing Vanitas down on the bed.

Noé's eyes were filled with hunger and lust, a soft blush spread across his face, he panted softly.

Vanitas smiled up at him, reaching out with his hand, he cupped the back of Noé's neck and pulled him down for a passionate kiss.

Noé kissed back just as passionately, moaning softly against the kiss, he slipped his hand up Vanitas' shirt and traced his chest, causing him to gasp softly and shiver a bit.

Noé smiled in satisfaction when he felt Vanitas moaning against his lips, he pulled away from the kiss to catch his breath, slipping Vanitas' shirt off his shoulders, then removing his own.

Once they were both shirtless, Noé trailed kisses and gentle love bites up and down Vanitas' skin.

Noé then nuzzled his nose against the side of Vanitas' neck and breathed in his scent. "May I...?" he whispered.

Vanitas smiled. "Of course~ Go ahead"

Noé gulped softly and sunk his fangs into Vanitas' shoulder, he moaned softly at the warmth of Vanitas' blood and the sweet taste it had, he couldn't get enough, he pulled away and licked the wound clean.

Vanitas looked at him with a flirtatious smile, as if asking for something more.

Noé understood and began removing their pants and underwear, leaving them both bare in front of each other.

Once they both had been stripped down, Noé admired Vanitas' body, he smiled at him and leaned toward his neck again, trailing delicate kisses and whispering soft praises.

"So soft, beautiful, gorgeous, radiant" he hummed between each kiss.

Vanitas was blushing madly as Noé trailed kisses down his body while whispering words of praise.

Noé reached Vanitas' thighs and stopped his endeavors, he glanced up, asking for permission to continue to which he received a nod.

Upon receiving the nod to continue, Noé began trailing kisses down Vanitas' thighs, stopping in between his legs at his arousal.

He coated two of his fingers in saliva and gently pressed them into Vanitas' entrance.

Vanitas hissed softly but the slight burning sensation quickly went away and was replaced by pleasure.

Soon enough, Noé pulled his fingers out, then he coated his arousal in the slick that Vanitas began to produce after he removed his fingers.

Aligning their hips together, he slowly and gently pushed into Vanitas, they both moaned at the new sensation.

Once they had adjusted to the feeling, Noé began to move.

The room was soon filled with pleasure filled moans and heavy breathing.

Noé soon found a steady pace and kept going until he felt close to his release, he sped up his movements then he leaned down toward Vanitas' left shoulder and sunk his fangs into his skin, this time he didn't take any blood, when he pulled away, he left a purple mark on Vanitas' shoulder, a mark of possession.

"You're mine" he growled greedily into Vanitas' ear, speeding up a bit more, going at a rougher pace.

With a gasp, the both of them leaned their heads back and rode out their pleasure high, Noé releasing a large amount into Vanitas and Vanitas releasing a large amount against their chest and stomach.

Noé panted softly and slowly pulled out, he laid beside the exhausted human and held him to his chest, kissing his head.

Vanitas smiled in content, he reached up with his hand and cupped Noé's cheek. "That was amazing" he hummed.

Noé smiled at him and leaned into his touch, kissing his palm. "I'm glad. I love you, Vanitas"

"I love you too, Noé" Vanitas whispered in reply.

The two soon fell asleep in each other's arms for a few hours, when Vanitas woke up again, he smiled when he saw Noé sleeping soundly beside him.

He leaned down and pecked his lips, slowly standing up to find something to clean themselves up with.

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