👶Baby backstage👶

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This is a request for anangelslove
Hope you enjoy😊


Mafuyu and Uenoyama have been in a relationship for the past few years, they are now attending college together and still play at dinner events with their band.

Mafuyu is currently very heavily pregnant and very close to being due with their first baby.

Uenoyama has been extremely over protective of his boyfriend and future fiance.

One day, the band gets hired to play at a big event, Uenoyama didn't think it was a good idea with Mafuyu being heavily pregnant and due in only a matter of days.

But Mafuyu insisted, it would only be a few songs, what harm could it do?

Reluctantly, Uenoyama agreed and the band got together and played at the event.

Everything ran smoothly throughout the concert, Mafuyu sang, Uenoyama played his guitar, Akihiko played the drums and Haruki played his bass guitar.

When their performance ended, a swarm of people suddenly ran up on stage in excitement and accidentally knocked Uenoyama and Mafuyu down the small set of stairs leading to the stage.

Thankfully, Uenoyama was able to protect Mafuyu from hitting the concrete floor, but the fall was hard enough to send him into premature labor.

When Uenoyama helped Mafuyu to his feet, he suddenly doubled over in pain.

"Uenoyama! I think.... I think the baby is coming!" he cried frantically.

Uenoyama's eyes nearly popped out of his head, he quickly scrambled for his cellphone and dialled for an ambulance, meanwhile, Akihiko and Haruki helped Mafuyu backstage.

After making sure that help was on the way, Uenoyama rushed to his beloved's side backstage.

Mafuyu was laid on a towel on the floor, roughly panting and obviously trying not to cry from the intense pain.

Uenoyama rushed to his side and knelt beside him, rubbing his shoulder. "Shh, it's ok, you're okay" he whispered soothingly.

After an agonizing thirty minutes of waiting, the ambulance finally arrived, but when the paramedics rushed backstage, Mafuyu was already trying in vain to give birth to his baby.

His body was already drenched in sweat and trembling.

They rushed toward him and checked his dilation.

"He's fully dilated, but the baby is in the wrong position, the baby's breeched"

Uenoyama didn't know how to feel about that, he was beyond stressed and extremely worried about Mafuyu.

"What does it mean?" he asked nervously.

"It means that the baby won't be coming head first like it's supposed to, the baby will be coming out bottom first, that can be extremely dangerous and difficult for the mother. We don't have enough time to take him to the hospital for a c-section. We'll have to try to flip the baby around, if we can't, he won't have a choice but to deliver naturally"

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