☁Drunken confessions💘

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"Dolphins. That's my point" Crowley slurred, his arm slung over the back of the chair he was sitting in.

"Big brains, damn big brains, and not to mention the whales! Brain city, whales"

Aziraphale sluggishly blinked his eyes, nodding in agreement. "Kraken. Ooh, great, big bugger"

The two began to laugh at their drunken conversation, not even understanding what they were talking about anymore.

Aziraphale slumped back in his chair, then he leaned closer to Crowley, having to balance himself by placing his hand on Crowley's knee.

"You know, Crowley. As an angel, we're taught to love unconditionally and follow our hearts, but we also always follow the rules, go by the book. I can't just not do what I'm told. Yet, would it be wrong of me to follow my heart when it comes to emotions toward someone?"

Crowley shook his head. "You're asking the wrong person, angel. And I'm way too drunk to even comprehend what just tumbled out of your mouth"

Aziraphale decided to be brave, he stumbled from his chair and plopped down on Crowley's lap.

The demon blinked his snake eyes in confusion a few times.

"Angel, what are you doing?" he asked curiously, although he didn't mind Azriaphale sitting in his lap, he wrapped his arms around the angel and held him close.

Aziraphale sighed and closed his eyes. "This is all I've ever wanted"

Crowley smiled. "To sit in my lap? You've had more than enough opportunities for that, angel"

Aziraphale shook his head and looked up at Crowley with baby blue eyes. "No, I mean this. Just us, relaxing, cuddling together"

Crowley ran his fingers through Aziraphale's hair. "Angel, I love you"

Aziraphale could feel his heart jumping in his chest, he felt tears building in his eyes at Crowley's words.

"You love me?" he muttered softly, trying to wipe at his tears.

"Course I do, Angel. I've loved you for over 6,000 years. It just took me a while to realize my feelings. Not to mention we have to be extremely careful since you have heaven on your back and I got hell on mine. But my point is, let's just forget about them. Just be us, you and me"

"Oh Crowley" Aziraphale cried softly, burying his head against Crowley's chest.

"Yes, more than anything. I want to be with you"

Crowley tilted Aziraphale's chin so they were eye to eye and gently kissed his lips.

Aziraphale was shocked for a second, but he began to kiss back, he closed his eyes and leaned closer to deepen the kiss.

It felt as if 6,000 years worth of feelings began pouring out of them both.

When they pulled away, Aziraphale's face was red up to the tips of his ears and so was Crowley's.

"I think I'm sober now" Crowley chuckled.

"Me too" Aziraphale felt a bit embarrassed, but he made no effort to move from his place perched on Crowley's lap.

"My darling, Crowley. If you'll have me, I'd like for us to be a couple" Aziraphale admitted shyly.

Crowley grinned. "I already said I love you, angel. To make it official, I could take you on a date"

Aziraphale smiled at that. "That sounds wonderful, my love"

For the rest of the evening, the two sat together, neither of them bothering to move from their place.

Nothing else in the world mattered, just each other and enjoying the moment.

Eventually, Aziraphale fell asleep and Crowley picked him up, carrying him to the flat above the bookshop and into Azriaphale's bedroom.

He snapped his fingers and made a pair of pajamas appear on Aziraphale.

When Crowley was about to walk away, Aziraphale quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Crowley, please stay" he whispered pleadingly.

Crowley smiled at that and made some pajamas appear on his own body, then he crawled into bed and laid down with Aziraphale

He held the angel close to his chest.

Aziraphale felt so incredibly happy, he nuzzled against Crowley's chest, reaching up to peck his lips.

"I love you, Crowley" he whispered.

Crowley pecked Azriaphale's lips in return. "I love you too, Angel"

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