Chapter 42

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"How did I even sleep through all that?" Tony squinted his eyes as we sat around the breakfast table.

I laughed at him, causing the Arc Reactor to send a ping of pain through my chest. I ignored it though and cut up another bite of pancake.

"I have no idea," Clint said, "But Natasha has her in one of the guest rooms right now."

"How was this even possible? I thought-" Tony started but Clint cut him off.

"Yea. It wasn't. And it was also sixteen years ago, during the time my wife and I were sort of separated. So we aren't going to talk about how it happened, that's in the past. She's here now and that's what we should focus on."

The room fell silent except for forks clanking against plates and the occasional cup echoing on the table. I was honestly shocked at the events of the past twelve hours, but I guess I just didn't have the energy or will to react too much.

The elevator doors opened and my mom and dad walked out. My mothers face matched my fathers; they were both blank and motionless. The two of them walked over to the table and sat at the opposite end of Clint, Tony, and I.

"Morning, Space-Head and Lab Rat," Tony said to my parents and sipped his drink. The room had an awkward silence before Tony spoke up again.

"Seriously? Nothing? Come on guys that was funny."

"We have to tell you something," my mom said. I sat up in my chair as chills ran down my spine.

My father spoke next, "I leave for Asgard the day after Thanksgiving."




That's the only thing I could think as I sat on the edge of my daughters bed. My daughter. Daughter.

I was sterilized at a very young age. One less thing to worry about, one less problem in my life. Just makes my job easier. Right?

It's not like I chose to be sterilized. It was a right that was ripped away from me before I could comprehend the situation. It was a completely different aspect of life that I would never touch. Yet here I was, with my daughter. It was like holding the threads of a cloth that was once woven.

Landyn was a miracle. That's the only way the doctors could explain it to me. Some how I had ended up with a baby. From the moment I held her I already loved her endlessly and would do anything to keep her safe. Which is why when SHIELD suggested I give her up, I solemnly agreed. Besides, I couldn't bare the thought of her ever being threatened or harmed because of my work. Adoption was the best policy. Now here she was. She had somehow been brought back to me. I don't believe in fate, or destiny or anything like that. But the moment a sliver of it appears in your life, that's the only explanation you have.

This whole experience was like being harshly shoved back into the past. And right now the only thing keeping me afloat was the thought of the present.

Sixteen years ago, Clint and I worked closely together. Because he is my best friend, and nobody could replace him. I guess him and his wife were going through a rough period in time. And neither of us were thinking. In fact I am pretty sure I was intoxicated that night. We ended up waking up in a hotel room and horrified by our actions. But there was no worry right? I'm sterile. Despite the fact that all the scientific evidence pointed to the fact that I could not get pregnant, I ended up with a baby anyways.

For those long nine months I was kept safe in the SHIELD headquarters. Clint knew it was his. He knew we were wrong for what had happened. So he explained things to his wife, and she knew. I guess that caused their marriage to get even rougher and during that time Clint helped me out with anything I needed. If he wasn't my best friend, I would've fallen in love with him. But then again who's to say I didn't?

A rustle of the blankets encouraged me away from my memories and I waited for Landyn's eyes to open. Slowly, her eye lids fluttered and her baby blue eyes came to life. She didn't look at me first, probably because she didn't know I was even there. Instead she scanned the room and her chest heaved with heavy breaths.

I took this as my chance and scooted up on the bed so I was sitting at about her waist.

"Hey darling, do you remember me?" I asked quietly, not wanting to startle her more than she already was.

She stared me up and down for a minute, as if she was attempting to remember something. To remember anything.

Finally she shook her head no, but I expected her to. I doubt she would have remembered me. The last time I ever saw her was when she was four years old, and I swore to myself I would see her again someday.

"I'm your real mother," I said easily, I didn't want to freak her out even more.

"No you're not," she sat herself up in the bed, "I don't have a mother."

"Yes you do Landyn," I tried to explain, "You have a mother and a father. You have an entire family here."

"No I do not. My family is with Hydra," she began to breath heavier.

"Hydra is no place for any daughter of mine. Hydra is a monster, capable of destroying you. Hydra is no family."

"They are powerful," she was upset and sounded as if she could cry at any given moment. "Hydra is home."



Now what? I asked myself as I sat alone at the dining table. My whole world seemed to be crumbling all around me, and I could only hold so much into place.

My mother had gotten a call from the hospital about me, while my father and Tony disappeared to talk to each other about the events of this morning. Clint left to check on Natasha and my assassin. So I was here, left to think about what the hell was happening to my world.

I didn't know what was going to happen now. My dad was leaving me, again. It was an earth shattering, heart breaking, mind blowing moment. And I didn't know how to deal with it.



im so sorry!

this chapter isn't even that long , or that good, but I hope it clears up and confusion and explains things a little bit.

ive been so freaking busy -.- I have a job now, plus I have been taking care of my Boyfriends dog while hes working in Chicago for the summer. and the time I would try to set aside for writing either gets taken up by family, work, the dog, or im on Skype.

again I am so sorry for the short update, BUT im thinking of doing another contest soon? how many of you would be into that?

Arc Reactor Love and a Hulk Hug!



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