Chapter 25

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"Happy Halloween!" the lady told us. She gave us horrible candy and a pencil but she was nice. I waved and told her thank you as Noah and I walked down her steps.

"She gave me a pencil," Noah stated, disgust written all over his face.

"Don't forget the gross candy," I laughed causing him to chuckle with me.

I was dressed in my Asgardian Training suit , carrying a red pillow case that was half way full with candy and a few cans of soda. Noah was dressed as a Zombie, carrying a dark green pillow case that was equally full of candy. Emily left for Iowa earlier this morning and so I spent the school day with Isaac and now I'm hanging out with Noah. I guess it kinda evens out.

"Want to do this house next?" Noah pointed to the last one on the street.

"Yea sure. What time were you wanting to go home?" I asked as we proceeded to walk towards the house.

"Probably around midnight. That's when most people stop giving away candy anyway."

"Sounds good," I smiled and walked up the steps of the house. Noah rang the doorbell and we sat there for a moment before we heard footsteps and and the door opened, revealing a woman in her 30's with short brown hair.

"Trick-or Treat!" we said in usion once the door was opened. She smiled and gave us each a hand full of candy, wished us a Happy Halloween, and we were on our way back to my house.

The air was a little chilly but we got back to my house by cutting through a few back yards and running across a few streets. Once we got there, Noah and I walked down to the basement, which somehow smelt like cake.

"Hey mom can we give Noah a ride?" I asked and slung my bag of candy over my shoulder.

"Yea of course. We can actually go now I have to wait for this to finish," she gestured to a small metal box with a thermometer on top and a few cords attached. I nodded and we walked back up the wooden stairs. The car ride wasn't awkward or silent like I expected it to be, it was actually really entertaining. My mom and Noah were getting along really well and talking about some song that was playing on the radio. In the mean time I was texting Isaac and waiting for a reply. Noah was sitting shotgun and talking to my mom while I sat behind him in the back.

We stopped in the driveway of Noah's house and both him and I got out.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today," I said and hugged him.

"No thank you," he said and pulled away. He smiled at me and ran up to his door. I jumped into the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt.

"He seems nice," my mom commented as we pulled out of his driveway.

"He is nice," I said and yawned.

"He's cute too," my mom said then bit her lip, trying to hold back her smile.

"Mooooom," I whined and put my face in my hands.

"What I'm just saying," she laughed. Shortly, we pulled up to my house and I hopped out of the car. I was tired, considering it was now twelve thirty, so I trudged up the stairs and into my room. I locked the door behind me and changed out of my training outfit, and into an oversized red T-shirt. I slipped on a pair of short running shorts and pulled off my socks. I left my hair down and plopped on my bed. I plugged my phone into my charger and sat it on my nightstand.

I flipped over onto my back and stared up at my ceiling. Moonlight that seeped in through the curtains danced across the ceiling, showing all the odd shapes that were on it. The sound of something popping against my window made me slide out of bed and go look out the window. On the ground I saw Isaac with a hand full of pebbles. He smiled when he saw me so I opened my window.

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