bad good byes

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We stopped and laid in the back of the truck just to look at the stars and get away from all of our problems.

But we had to face reality.

We got up, drove home, and now we're here at 3:04pm.

"I just want to lay here forever." I said to Alec. It was the first thing I said to him, and after 5.349245 seconds of silence he finally answered.

"Life sucks." He said as if he didn't hear anything I said.

"Yeah." I just agreed.

We laid in silence I wanted him. To be with him.

Like in bed.

With his shirt off.

But he doesn't want that because 'he doesn't want to take my purity' or something so :(

"Hey we should go inside." I said sitting up. My parents and my brother weren't home because they went to some kids camp for the night.

"Uh I don't think I'm going to stay here tonight." Alec said hopping out of the back of the truck.

"Why not?" I said with anger in my voice.

"Here let me help you out of the truck." He said grabbing for my hands.

"No! Why arn't you staying at my house?" I said pulling my arms away from him.

"I'm going to stay at my friend Jimmy's house for awhile, you probably won't see me for the next couple months." He said looking down.

Pure shock was all I felt. I couldn't say anything.

"Here let me help you out of the truck." He repeated looking down and grabbing my arms.

I didn't say anything, just pulled my arms back and jumped out of the truck myself, looking away from his face the whole time.

I walked away from my life, my love, and didn't look back. All of these emotions kept inside of my not doing anything just walking one step at a time farther and farther from everything that once was me.

"Clo, Clo" I heard a muffled voice call from behind me. I just kept walking up to my big white house.

"Chloe!" The voice grew further as I walked all the way up to the door.

"I'm doing this to protect you! ugh." Were the last things I heard before he got in his truck and slammed the door.

I opened the front door and didn't look back. I walked upstairs and laid on my bed, starring at all the stars on my ceiling.

Remembering my childhood and how the stars always made me feel safe, lying there in the back of Alec's truck starring at the stars feeling safe and then BAM...

He left me.

The rage came.

"Ugh!" I screamed standing up on my bed ripping off all the stars yelling at everything.

But then the rage was gone and all I felt was sadness. I laid there crying while all of the memories came rushing back through my mind, and tears streamed down my face. I just wanted to be with him. I was in love with him and now he's gone.

Sleep was my only escape. It makes everyone feel better......

The memories of him leaving came back running through my head, I woke up screaming and then crying and then screaming again.

I wanted to call Jess but I couldn't do anything. I just sat  there crying, feeling everything but nothing at the same time.

I cried so long i just fell asleep.

"CLO WAKE UP WERE GOING TO GO SHOPPING TODAY!" Jess said running into my room and jumping on my bed.

"Jess stop." I whispered trying to forget about everything that had happened.

"SHOPPING!" She yelled and continued to jump on my bed.

"JESSICA STOP!" I yelled with rage in my voice.

"What the hell is up with you?" She asked sitting my on bed.

"Nothing I'm just not in the mood." I said starring at my door.

"Chloe Lynn Mckallaster something is wrong and you're going to tell me." She said persistent.

"He broke up with me."



Well today is my first day of summer and I'm inside on my computer writing a story. How cool am I?

Well anyways I'm starting a new story so you should go check that out and I am trying so hard to keep all my stories updated so sorry If I get a little behind:(

I hope everyone is having a good day. I'm currently sitting inside my grandma's house while this kid cuts her grass because she's too old.

It's cold and rainy anyways so I'm not missing much.



See ya!


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