for the first time

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"Hey Clo." Jessica said as I suddenly snapped out of a dreaming state.

"What?" I said sounding like I was half asleep.

"What are you doing this weekend Jake is throwing this HUGE party." Jessica said with so much enthusiasm I couldn't handle this early.

"Sorry Jess you know I don't do those things." Jessica knew I didn't do party's and social things but I felt so bad saying it.

"Don't worry about it." Jessica said but I knew she was sad.

I smiled and the bell wrang. I got up of my desk and tried walking down the hallway without getting pushed. I walked right out of the door and walked outside. It was a nice day so I decided to sit at a table right outside of school when all the sudden this car with a bunch of guys with tattoos showed up. I didn't know why they were here but it all was clear when this really hot boy walked out of the school.

He glanced at me as I was walking and I could already feel my cheeks warming up so I hid my face.

Holy shit he looked at me.

He looked like Liam Hemsworth/ Paul Wesley but more of a bad boy biker. With his nice jaw line and fit body.

I picked up my phone and called Jess because it was taking forever for her to eat her car and come get me. For once she didn't have cheer practice so we could finally hang out.

No answer big surprise. She finally came and I got in the car.

"How's the boring little life of Chloe Mckalaster going?" She said laughing and pulling out of the school parking lot.

"Good. A little bit overwhelming." I said with sarcasm.

"Why don't you come to that party with me Clo it will be fun."

"Jess let me think about it pleaese?" There was no way hell I was going to that party.

"Chloe Lynn Mckalaster I am not dealing with this bullshit anymore you're going to this damn party and I will not take no for an answer!"

"Geez mom." I said.

I really didn't want to go to this party but who Knew what Jessica would do if I didn't. We got back to my house and Jessica came in and we went to my room and picked out dresses.

"What do you think if this black one?" Jess said holding it over her body and looking in the mirror.

"It's nice." I said admiring how beautiful she is.

"You said that about all of them." she said falling down on the bed.

"Do we have to go?" I said throwing ships in my mouth and flipping the page of my magazine.

"Fine we'll just have a sleepover. But it's only because this dress is ugly." She turned on the t.v.

"Yeah! Whoop Whoop!" I said putting my hands in upward motion.

"Where's the party even at?" I asked our of curiosity.

"I don't know." She said and fell asleep.

• •

I woke up at 6am like I do everyday and walked downstairs to find my mom reading the paper and my dad feeding my brother Jackson.

"Morning dad. Morning mom." I said going in the cabinet grabbing a coffee mug filling it with hot water and putting tea in it. I headed back up to my room and laid in bed reading 'The fault in our stars'. Finally Jess woke up and we watched movies all day.

Before we knew a whole bunch of cars started driving over to my neighbors house. I didn't know who lived there and neither did my parents because they never go outside but there was loud music playing and people everywhere.

"Jess there's a whole bunch of people outside." I said talking her shoulder.

Next thing I knew people came up to my door asking us if we had any extra beer. My parents don't drink. They're out with my brother right now for his birthday.

"Hey Clo I will be right back I'm gonna go over there and tell them to move the party." She said throwing her coat on.

"Jess no it's fine." I said pulling her back.

"Chloe I have to go tell them."

As much as I hated what I was about to say I had to say it.

"I will go with you."

"Really Clo you think you can handle it?" she said worrying about me.

"Yeah." I said with confidence but she could tell I was nervous.

"Ok well stay by my side the whole time okay?"

We walked out of the house and in to the other house. There was people dancing on tables and taking body shots.

"Hey where are you from sexy lady." This guy said practically falling over because he was so drunk.

"I'm the neighbor." I said.

"Dude back off." Jessica said pushing him away but that guy had no intentions on leaving.

"How long have you lived there?" he said curiously.

"Since I was six." I said knowing that nobody at this party would know me.

"Oh." he said falling backwards on to the floor.

"That's was that son of a bitch gets." Jessica said grabbing my hand and walking up to Jake.

"What the fuck Jake! Do you know Chloe here?" she said angrily.

"No but I'd loved to get to meet her." he said smirking and looking at my whole body.

"Well her moms a lawyer and is great friends with the cops so if I was you I would move the party."

"What the fuck Jess why didn't you tell me!" He said rubbing his head.

Then he ran downstairs yelling "Cops!" And everyone ran out side in to there cars.

"Aren't all those people drunk and driving?" I said pointing all the cars.

"Yeah oh well. I have a fucking mess to clean now. Alec get your ass over here!" He screamed and this boy came walking in the room.

That's the boy I saw walking out of school!


Hey guys I hope you liked it! This is my first time writing a story so there may be a lot of errors and my writing style might be different.

You guys are great bye!

See ya!


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