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The world began with 2050, an age of great technological advancements. Humanity had developed floating cars, holographic watches, and a plethora of other inventions that once seemed like mere science fiction. But, four months into this new era, strange warping gates began to appear, sending humanity into a state of panic and chaos. Amidst this turmoil emerged the Hunters, individuals gifted with extraordinary powers known as Attrix. These Hunters became the beacon of hope for humanity, offering protection against the unknown dangers lurking within the gates. As the months went by, the term "Hunter" became commonplace, and it wasn't long before most humans developed their own Attrix, categorized into three classes: Combat, Support, and Utilities. Each class had different ranks, ranging from E to C, with B and above considered rare. But, above A rank lay a steep gap, with only three legendary classes: S, SS, and SSS. Despite being revered as myths, the allure of attaining these classes was irresistible to many hunters.

Minho felt a lump form in his throat as he watched his best friend Yoonsuh walk up to the test board. He could see the excitement in her eyes as she placed her hand on the glowing surface. The board hummed to life, displaying Yoonsuh's power in a bright blue light. Minho held his breath as he waited for the results.

"S class," the voice of the testing administrator announced. Cheers erupted from the students gathered around the board. Yoonsuh turned to Minho with a wide smile on her face. "What about you, Minho?" she asked.

Minho hesitated for a moment before approaching the board. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the glowing surface, his heart pounding in his chest. The board hummed to life once again, but this time the light that appeared was a dull grey.

"F class," the administrator said, his voice devoid of any emotion. Minho's heart sank. He had known that his power was weak, but he had never imagined that it would be this bad. The students around him began to whisper and snicker, and Minho felt his face flush with embarrassment.

Yoonsuh stepped forward, her hand on Minho's shoulder. "Don't worry, Minho," she said softly. "I'll help you train and become stronger." Minho smiled weakly, grateful for her support. Despite the disappointment he felt, he knew that he couldn't give up. He had to find a way to become stronger, no matter how hard it might be.

As the bell rang, Minho made his way to his classroom, the F class. He could see the other students already sitting in their seats, some chatting and laughing, others looking at their Attrix books or playing games on their holographic watches. As he entered the classroom, he felt a sense of dread wash over him. He knew he was in the worst class and would be surrounded by people who also had weak powers or no powers at all.

He took his seat at the back of the class, hoping to blend in and not draw attention to himself. As he waited for the class to begin, he looked around and noticed that most of the students in his class were either shy or nervous. He wondered if they felt the same way he did - like they were destined to be the outcasts of the school.

Suddenly, the classroom door burst open and in walked the homeroom teacher, Ms. Kim. She was a tall, stern-looking woman with short hair and a no-nonsense attitude. She quickly silenced the class and introduced herself, then began calling out names for roll call.

When she got to Minho's name, she paused and looked at him with a curious expression. "Minho, is it? You have an F class Attrix, is that correct?" she asked.

Minho nodded, feeling a lump in his throat.

Ms. Kim let out a sigh and shook her head. "Well, let's hope you can prove yourself in this class, Minho. You may be at the bottom now, but you never know what the future holds. Now, let's begin the lesson."

As Ms. Kim started the lesson, Minho tried to pay attention, but his mind kept drifting. He couldn't help but think about his friend Yoonsuh, who had gotten an S class Attrix. He wondered how she was doing in her class and if she was making any friends.

After the class ended, Minho made his way to his locker, feeling defeated. As he opened his locker, he heard a voice behind him. "Hey, are you Minho?"

He turned around to see a girl with short brown hair and kind eyes smiling at him.

"Yes, that's me," he replied, feeling a bit surprised that someone was talking to him.

"I'm Sooyoung. I noticed you in class today and I wanted to say hi. I have an F class Attrix too," she said, holding out her hand.

Minho shook her hand and felt a small glimmer of hope. Maybe he could make a friend in this class after all.

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