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The plan was set in motion. Minho used his assimilate skill to blend in with the crowd of students, making his way towards the terrorists' hideout. With his stun skill, he was able to take down anyone who got in his way without causing any lasting harm.

As he approached the hideout, Minho noticed the suit bag lying unguarded. He quickly snatched it and made his way back towards the school.

Once back at the infirmary, Park was overjoyed to see that Minho had succeeded in retrieving his equipment. He quickly got to work putting on his suit and gearing up for battle.

However, something went terribly wrong. As they were exiting the hideout, a group of terrorists appeared out of nowhere and opened fire. Park pushed Minho out of the way, taking the bullets himself. Minho was devastated as he watched his friend fall to the ground, blood spilling from his wounds.

Park managed to speak one last time, urging Minho to continue protecting their school and their friends. He made Minho promise that he would never give up and always fight for what was right. With those final words, Park closed his eyes and took his last breath.

Minho was filled with grief and guilt. He felt like he had let Park down by not being able to protect him. But he knew that he couldn't give up, not when there was still a threat to their school and their community. He gathered his strength and vowed to continue the fight in Park's honor, never forgetting the sacrifice that his friend had made for their cause.

The school held a memorial service for Park, who had sacrificed himself to protect the students and the school. Minho and the other students were devastated by his loss, but they knew that he had given his life for a noble cause.

During the service, Minho stood up and delivered a heartfelt eulogy for his friend. He talked about how Park had been a true hero, and how he had inspired everyone around him to be their best selves.

As he spoke, Minho noticed tears streaming down the faces of many of his classmates. He knew that they were all feeling the same pain and sadness that he was. But he also knew that they would continue to honor Park's memory by staying strong and fighting for what was right.

After the service, Minho and the other students gathered together to share stories and memories of Park. They laughed and cried together, remembering all the good times they had shared with their friend. And even though he was no longer with them, they knew that Park would always be a part of their lives.

As the ceremony came to a close, Park's teammates arrived, their faces etched with anger and sorrow. They approached Minho, blaming him for Park's death and accusing him of being a useless burden who couldn't protect their ace in such a stupid tragedy.

Minho tried to explain himself, but they wouldn't listen. He understood their pain and their anger, but he couldn't help but feel guilty for what had happened. He knew he had to do something to make things right, to honor Park's memory, and to ensure that something like this would never happen again.

Determined to make a difference, Minho approached the school administration and proposed a plan to increase security measures and training for the students. He wanted to make sure that everyone was prepared to face any kind of danger, and that they could protect each other, just like Park had protected them.

Although it was a difficult and emotional journey, Minho's hard work paid off. The school implemented his plan, and the students became more united and stronger than ever before. They knew that Park's sacrifice would never be forgotten, and that they had the power to keep each other safe.

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