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The next day, Minho and his team were assigned to their respective groups by their teacher. The teacher explained the rules of the upcoming school sports festival, where students were allowed to steal points from each other using their insignia. They could gain points by scanning objects, and the team with the highest score would win. However, there was a catch - no deaths were allowed, but heavy injuries and combat battles were permitted.

The teacher gave them 30 minutes to set up their equipment and prepare for the sports festival. Minho and his team quickly gathered their equipment and supplies, and began discussing their strategy.

"We need to be careful and stay together as a team," Yoonsuh said, looking around at their surroundings.

"I agree," Soyeon said. "We also need to be fast and efficient in scanning objects to gain points before other teams can steal them."

Jihyun lazily nodded in agreement, adding, "And we need to watch out for other teams trying to steal our points. We can't let them get ahead of us."

Minho nodded in agreement, feeling confident in their team's ability to work together and win the sports festival. They quickly divided up their tasks and set to work, scanning objects and collecting points.

As they moved through the area, they encountered other teams trying to steal their points. They fought off these teams with skill and strategy, avoiding heavy injuries and staying true to their goal of winning the sports festival.

As time was running out, Minho and his team had collected a significant amount of points, but they weren't sure if it would be enough to win. They anxiously waited for the final scores to be announced, their hearts racing with anticipation.

Finally, the scores were announced, and Minho and his team were ecstatic to hear that they had won first place. They hugged and cheered, feeling proud of their hard work and dedication. Minho couldn't believe how much he had grown and improved, both in his skills and his confidence, since joining Yoonsuh and her team. He felt grateful for their support and friendship, and couldn't wait to see what challenges they would face together in the future.

After the festival, Minho's class welcomed a new student. He was introduced as Park, a transfer student from another school. Park had a calm demeanor, but there was something about him that seemed off to Minho.

As the days went by, Minho noticed that Park was very secretive and didn't talk much about himself. Minho tried to be friendly and strike up a conversation, but Park always gave vague answers and quickly changed the subject.

One day, while Minho was walking home from school, he heard a group of bullies taunting Park. They were making fun of him and pushing him around. Minho didn't like bullies and decided to step in and help.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Minho said, standing up to the bullies.

The bullies laughed and said, "What are you going to do about it, weakling?"

Minho was taken aback by their words, but didn't back down. Suddenly, Park stepped forward and calmly said, "It's okay, Minho. I can handle this."

Park then proceeded to take down the bullies with swift and precise moves. Minho was stunned and amazed by Park's skills.

"Wow, how did you do that?" Minho asked in awe.

Park simply replied, "I used to be in the special forces."

Minho couldn't believe it. Park seemed like an ordinary transfer student, but he was actually a highly trained soldier. Minho wondered why Park would keep such a big secret from everyone.

As the days went by, Minho began to notice other things about Park that didn't quite add up. Park was always wearing long sleeves, even in hot weather, and he never seemed to get tired or fatigued. Minho started to suspect that there was more to Park than met the eye.

One day, during lunch break, Minho decided to confront Park and ask him about his past.

"Hey, Park. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Minho said, approaching him.

Park looked at Minho and nodded.

"I know you were in the special forces," Minho said. "Why did you keep it a secret?"

Park sighed and looked down at his hands. "I didn't want anyone to treat me differently because of it. I just want to be a normal student."

Minho understood where Park was coming from, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story.

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