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As soon as they arrived at the scene, Minho and Yoonsuh could hear the chaos from afar. People were running and screaming, and they could see smoke rising in the distance. They knew something terrible had happened. They rushed to the school and saw the aftermath of the attack.

There were bullet holes in the walls and broken glass scattered all over the ground. The students who were still there were huddled together in fear. Jihyun and Soyeon were among them, looking pale and shaken. Minho and Yoonsuh quickly made their way over to them.

"What happened? Are you guys okay?" Minho asked, looking at them with concern.

"We...we were attacked," Jihyun stuttered, her voice trembling. "There were these men with guns, and they just started shooting. Park came to protect us, but..."

She couldn't finish her sentence, and tears started streaming down her face. Soyeon put a comforting hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

Minho's heart sank as he heard this. He knew they had to act fast if they wanted to keep everyone safe. He turned to Yoonsuh and said, "We need to get them out of here. Can you take care of that?"

Yoonsuh nodded and led the girls away from the danger zone. Meanwhile, Minho turned his attention to Park. He was lying on the ground, his body covered in blood. He had taken several bullets to protect the students, and his condition was critical.

"We need to get him to the infirmary," Minho said, looking around for something to help him move Park. He spotted a broken chair nearby and quickly picked it up. He motioned for someone to help him carry Park, and together, they lifted him onto the chair and started making their way to the infirmary.

It was a difficult journey, as they had to avoid the areas where the terrorists were still active. But finally, they made it to the infirmary. The nurse there was able to stabilize Park's condition, but he needed surgery to remove the bullets.

Minho didn't leave Park's side, staying there all night to make sure he was okay. He felt guilty for not being there to help when Park needed him the most. He vowed to make it up to him, and to do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe.

Minho and Park continued to plan together, despite Park's injury. Park informed Minho that his weapon and suit bag had been stolen by the terrorists, and that retrieving them would be crucial.

Minho wracked his brain trying to come up with a plan to retrieve the bag without getting caught. Finally, he had an idea - he could use his assimilate and stun skills to create a diversion while he snatched the bag.

Excited about his plan, Minho immediately shared it with Park. Park was impressed with Minho's skill set and asked him if it was okay for him to reveal such a powerful skill. Minho reassured him that it was fine, and that he hoped to use Park's skills to save others once he had recovered.

Park didn't want Minho to go unarmed, so he gave him his secondary gun. Minho hesitated, pointing out that the school rules prohibited weapons on school grounds. However, in the midst of this dangerous situation, they both knew that safety had to come before rules.

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