✩ Thank You ✩

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Thank you.

Each and every one of you has made this journey so much more meaningful than it would have been on my own. Every single comment, vote, and honestly any person who laid eyes on any part of this collection has meant the world to me. 

Seeing your comments was the highlight of my day. They made me realize that so many of us truly feel alone in those dark parts of our journeys. We feel isolated, alone, and full of grief that we think nobody understands. But . . . I hope that with each poem and prose piece, you felt a little bit less alone. 

Every vote made my heart flutter with joy because each vote meant that my words touched somebody. Each vote meant that my own darkness reached into someone else's darkness and showed them that there is still light. Every single vote meant that somebody, somewhere in the world, felt something as a result of my words . . . and that is an incredible thing to witness.

I am so so grateful to everyone who contributed to the voyage of this collection.

Reading your comments made me feel a hundred different emotions. Responding to your comments made me realize the impact of this little collection on your hearts and souls. I cannot explain how much it meant to see the notifications that you all left your own thoughts and that you kept the conversation going after I posted my responses.

I really don't know what else to say except thank you.

This journey wouldn't have been anywhere near as fun, meaningful, or lovely without every one of you. So, thank you for being here, for reading, for commenting, and for letting me be part of your life.

P.S. This journey is over, but the voyage will continue. Stay tuned for an announcement about my next poetry collection. <3



Special shout out to all of my OG voters and commenters










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