live a little

479 58 41

Jungkook scans the bookshelves.

Running his hand through his hair as he thinks.

Where is the book?

I've already read most of these.

There is just once specific book that he came here for.

Since when did the book store become so...boring?

He shakes his head, puffing his cheeks as he stands in place and stares at the same shelf.

He then hears quiet whines and he looks around.

He notices someone standing on their tippy toes, and reaching high up to grab a specific book.

And he smiles as he quickly walks over, wasting no time to help the short stranger out.

Jungkook grabs it effortlessly, causing the short stranger to immediately move to the side and look at him with shock.

Jungkook chuckles, before looking down at the strangers face.

His lips form a thin line and his eyes widen just a little.

This face, he thinks.

Completely blown away, and he isn't exaggerating.

The eyes Jungkook's are looking into are practically shimmering, and the features are surreal.

They're...what's the word..?

"Ethereal," He whispers to himself.

The stranger rubs his neck, "" He whispers, so quietly.

Jungkook clears his throat, "Is this the book you wanted?" He then looks down and finally reads the title, then he chuckles, "This is actually the one I was looking for, too." He looks up and notices... "This was the last copy."

"I-I'm sorry, can have it if you, want to..."

Jungkook stares down at the short stranger for a few seconds, observing.

The boy looks nervous, maybe even scared. And very innocent.

He's letting me have it, just like that?

"What..?" The stranger asks, sounding even more nervous now.

Jungkook crosses his arms, still holding the book in his right hand, with a thinking facial expression, "You were willing to let me have the book? Just like that?"

"Yes! P-Please have it!"

Jungkook bursts into laughter, squeezing the bridge of his nose,
"You're cute...I love cute people." He holds the book out towards the small boy, and the boy just stares at it. "Well? Take it."

The stranger slowly goes to grab it, but Jungkook quickly pulls it back, "Actually...follow me.."

The stranger blinks a few times, but follows Jungkook anyways.

Jungkook stands in front of the cashier, and sets the book down on the counter, "Good Afternoon. I'd like to buy this book right here."

The cashier smiles, eyeing Jungkook up and down before scanning the book.

Jungkook smirks at that, and the small stranger squints as he notices their flirtatious body language.

"Thank you, have a nice day." Jungkook grabs the book and walks out, saying a quiet "Come on."


They make their way in the parking lot, more so over to Jungkook's car.

"Uhm, sir? Where are we goi-"

"Sir?" Jungkook asks as he turns around and looks down into the same pretty eyes that make him smile every time, "I'm no sir, I'm highly offended! I'm twenty one, not fifty."

"I.....I'm twenty three."

Jungkook's smile falls, "Okay, ouch. That doesn't do so well with my ego."

And nothing else is said for the next thirty seconds.

They just make deep eye contact.

And the small boy only looks nervous, whilst Jungkook's smile comes back.

"So, uhm, you told me to f-follow you, so-"

"What's your name?"


"Jimin," Jungkook whispers, making sure he'll remember this name, always, "'re very pretty."


"Are you single? Taken? Looking?"

Jimin shyly looks away, face pink now and Jungkook laughs when he notices, "Ah, that's such a..shameless're shameless."

"I am, I am, I'll admit....but, mostly when I see something I really like."

Jimin bites his bottom lip, as he slowly looks up into the taller's eyes, "I'm...single."

Jungkook smiles, "I knew it."

"I- Wha- How?"

Jungkook continues walking to his car, "You're an open book?"

Jimin tries to catch up with a frown on his face, "I-I am not...not all the time..."

Once they reach his car, they stand still, looking deeply into each other's eyes yet again.

"Do you want this book, Jimin?"


"You can be honest, you know."

"Well, okay...yes. I do."

"Okay, then. I'll gladly let you have it."

"Oh, thank you-"

"If you let me get to know you."

Jimin blinks, "Huh?"

"That's right," Jungkook smirks, "Let me take you on a date. What do you say?"


"Now. As in right after this conversation is over."

Jimin looks down.

He's never hung out with a stranger before.

He's never been one to takes risks.


Don't think, just do...right?

"Well?" Jungkook questions, feeling hopeful. "Come on, live a little."

Jimin then looks up, and he smiles softly...

Live a little, huh?

And he nods. "Yes...okay."

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