special chapter.

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Jimin stares blankly out the window. Face carrying zero expression, mind feeling blank.

His breathing is slow and he can't help but feel...


He examines everyone walking around the streets, laughing, talking, or even minding their own business.

But nothing runs through his mind when looking out at that.

He suddenly pulls his focus back onto the book resting in his hands, opened on a chapter that he's been struggling to get through.

He absolutely loves the book, and loves the author of it even more, however, when it comes to romance like this, he can't help but feel a bit stuck.

A sudden knock appears on his door, and he patiently remains looking down since he knows exactly who it is, and that they'll open it on their own anyway.

"Hellooo," He hears as the person walks in, sounding as happy as ever. "Jiminn where are- oh, of course you're there. Why am I not surprised?"

Jimin frowns a little as he slowly closes the book.
"Because this is my favorite spot in my home."
He then looks up and at the adorable, tall, muscular guy with a puffy jacket on due to the cold weather out, who's staring down at Jimin with a heart warming smile. "Jungkook."

Jungkook smiles with his teeth now as his heart jumps at that, "Yes?"

"You write so beautifully. Have I mentioned that you're my favorite author?"

The taller's eyebrows rise a little as he approaches Jimin slowly, hands resting in the pockets of his jacket. "Y-Yeah, you've mentioned it before...and I love hearing it every time."

Jimin sighs quietly before looking back down at the book, now gently tracing the letters of it.
"Ethereal," he whispers, "Such a beautiful title."

Jungkook now bends down and takes a seat next to Jimin, eyes not leaning the smaller's face not even once. "How far along in the book are you? I've been really excited for you to read it since I started thinking of the concept."

"I'm stuck on this chapter...I'm trying to finish it though..."

"Can I see which chapter?"

Jimin nods as he opens the book up and shows Jungkook.

Jungkook smiles at this, "You're stuck on their love scene..?"

"Looks like it."

"Well, Jiminsi...you should really finish the book.. I promise, it'll be worth it."

Jimin's eyebrows narrow. "I mean, I absolutely adore how the characters are so different. One is so quiet, and calm. Expressionless. And the other is so adventurous and reassuring, and...." Jimin's words slow down as he realizes... He then scoffs quietly at how stupid he was for not noticing sooner.
He slowly looks into Jungkook's eyes again, and whispers. "Those characters are us, aren't they?"

Jungkook smiles gently as he takes the book into his own hands. "This book...I specifically wrote it, about two people falling madly in love, even when one of them thought it was impossible...and they feel so free. So happy about it."

Jungkook feels his heart beat faster with how long he and Jimin are holding eye contact.

Then he frowns, at the smaller looking away and out at the window.

"Romance, and things like that are a big fantasy. I think humans are disappointing and so hard to trust...I suppose that's why I love to read, to get lost into a different world other than this real one. That's gloomy...however even reading it is hard to believe sometimes."

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