friends in love

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Jimin grabs his phone as it dings repeatedly, and loudly. And he giggles once he sees the name of the person spamming him.

"What do you want? Stop spamming me," He replies.

"I have big news to tell you! I'm moving away!"

Jimin's eyes widen as he now sets his cup down and responds with both hands, "Huh?! Moving away?? How far?!"

"Miles and miles and miles and miles AWAY Jimin!!"

Jimin frowns, feeling himself panic. "What, since when?! Are you serious?!" He smacks his lips. Never mind texting? His favorite person is moving away from him?

So he dials the number instead.


"Jungkook, where are you moving to? When did you find out?"

"I dunno, can you open the door, though? It's so cold outside."

Jimin's worried facial expression turns into a confused one as he looks over and sees Jungkook from the window, approaching the door while holding his phone up to his ear, with a smile.

And he runs over to it while hanging up. "Hey!"

"Aw you look so cute-"

Jimin presses a hand against Jungkook's chest, stopping them from hugging, and of course Kook frowns.


"Jungkook, what do you mean you're moving?"

"Yeah, I'm moving."

"What- How far?! We won't live near each other anymore?!"

Jungkook fakes a frown, now nodding his head, "Yeah, tsk tsk tsk. Where I'm moving to is pretty far. We won't be just down the street anymore."

Jimin feels his eyes water as he looks around, trying to take it in, "This can't be happening....I'll miss you so much..."

"Awe, hey," Jungkook says, softly, as he cups Jimin's face with both hands, "Don't worry, my love...we can still text, call...I'm sure there's internet on the moon."

"Yeah, I knoww but....wait-" Jimin blinks a few times, and Jungkook just walks right past him while laughing.
"You're so mean!"

"Wha! How am I mean? I've been telling you that I'm moving to the moon for months now."

"Gosh can you ever be serious for ONCE? I believed you!"

"Then don't be so gullible honey pie. Mom? Mom! Mom?!"

"Ugh, stop shouting. My Mom isn't home," Jimin says as he slams the door and walks towards the kitchen.

Jungkook frowns, "Where is my future mother in law?"

Jimin giggles, looking away to hide the faint blush, "Idiot."

Jungkook smiles. "So," He says as he takes Jimin's favorite snacks from the counter, "I see how much you care about me."

Jimin shakes his head at Jungkook's smirk. The smirk. Jungkook always knows the impact he has, on anything and anyone.

"Don't let that get to your head, bro."

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he tosses the bag back on the counter and walks away, "Bro...? You sure that's a name you should be calling a super cool human who's moving to the moon in a few days?"

"Where are you going?" Jimin asks.

"To your room first, of course? Moon afterwards."

Jimin grabs two bottles of waters first before walking upstairs.

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