Chapter 13: Moving On

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Chapter 13

Moving On

The restaurant was just as alluring as the first time I walked through the doors, only now Bartholomew was there to greet me. The drive back from the point had been encouraging. I would always love my mom, and I would miss her every day, but I had gained more closure than I had expected through the evening. I still didn't know what I was going to do with myself, but I was content with taking a mediocre job and staying with Oscar – "nice Oscar" – until I knew what I wanted to do.

Bartholomew offered me his elbow again as we walked through the doors. Admiration no longer easy to hide, I blushed and accepted his arm. I was completely spell bound by the masculine beauty he possessed. The dim candle light on further enhanced his exquisite features.

I watched my step carefully as he guided me down the burgundy carpet, my legs still shaky from the emotional rollercoaster. Oscar followed behind a step or two as Bartholomew led us to a square table placed almost directly in front of the microphone set in the middle of the stage. The stage was round, and not elevated in the least bit. Instead, it sat ground level with the guests above it.

I will nearly be eye to eye with the performer!

I thought as Bartholomew scooted out my chair for me. Remembering my manners, I brushed my hand down behind me as I sat, smoothing my skirt. A slim and satisfied smile touched his lips. Softly, I smiled back.

Once I was securely seated, I took the time to look around me. I was still awe of the elegance of the restaurant. I allowed myself to actually take in the scene. The room was the same familiar circle, laden with square tables places around on tiers through the dining hall. It would've looked like a stadium if it was a sporting event. I noticed the tables were made of cherry, matching the elaborate arch that introduced guests into the main room from the foyer.

It's a music hall.

 A music built with acoustics being first in mind... with the bonus of dinner.

Candle and golden twinkle lights were the only light in the room this night, and the perfectly polished grand piano glimmered. My fingers ached with envy and an irresistible urge flowed through me to be the one behind the microphone.

"Order anything you want, it's on the house." Bartholomew stole my attention away. With a wink at me, he turned to Oscar. "Excuse me for a second... duty calls." Oscar gave him a nod of leave.

Oscar was pondering the menu, no doubt he would be looking for the most expensive item even if he didn't like it. Me, being a creature of habit, already knew what I wanted. I filled my time, by gazing around the room. People were starting to file in more quickly now. Most people looked like they had more money than they knew what to do with, but they all walked in arm in arm, with smiles on their faces. A flash of envy quickly lit.

I moved on and noticed large cherry columns. They matched the tables and the trim in the room. There were six of these columns, set equally spaced all around the perimeter of the room. Above the columns were cherry arches coming to a peak in the center. I became very anxious to hear the music in this hall. Last time I had been in a conversation with Vin and didn't pay attention to the sounds.

"Excuse me, Delilah. I'm heading to the men's room." Oscar got up, dropping his napkin on the floor.

Without a second thought, I leaned to grab to the over-starched, square piece of white fabric. Lost in my own little world, I attempted to follow the prefolded lines to see if I could refold it correctly. The unused tables all hand neat little napkin-tents. My curiosity was peaked. I folded it numerous times... and unfolded numerous times.

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