Chapter 17: Conditioning

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Chapter 17


My vice went off in the morning halfway through the week. Groggily, I raised my head.

Who's that so early in the morning?

"Hello?" my voice thick with sleep.

"Good morning, Delilah." I smiled inwardly.


"Oh, hi. Good morning." I attempted to wake up and sound a little more alert.

"Sorry it has taken me so long to get back with you. I needed to find an available clothier. Also, you'll be working with Shanta Jossen. She's a regular performer at the restaurant, and she's willing to train you up today and tomorrow."

"Ok. So when do I need to be where?"

"I know it's early, but I need you at the corner of Belinger and Ruso in an hour. Please be presentable, but no make up and hair pulled off your face. Cassie needs to be able to see you as a canvas."

"Wow, an hour?"

"No later. He's very impatient and is doing me a favor."

"I'll get started right away. What shop should I meet him at?"

"It's unmarked. He'll meet you right on the corner. He'll be dressed in black and white, with a red tie."

Interesting... I don't understand, but whatever.

"One hour."

"One hour, then come to the restaurant. Shanta will be waiting on you."

"Shanta? I think I heard her perform my first time at the restaurant."


"She's incredible! I'm going to be learning from her?"

He laughed at me. "Yes. She's a wonderful teacher. Now hurry, you don't have much time."

"Alright. I'll see you later?"

"Of course." He said matter-of-factly, and with a click, he was gone.

I jumped out of bed. I hadn't realized that when Bartholomew said I'd be working with people from his restaurant he meant performers like Shanta. I was all too excited to see what the day was going to hold. I scurried around my room, throwing on a pair a casual tweed pants and a black fitted tee. I slipped on a pair of low heels and brushed my teeth.

I think that is the quickest I've ever gotten ready... and looked this decent.

The walk to Belinger and Ruso is a long one, but it's shorter than driving after all the lights. I walked at a hurried pace, making sweat silken my forehead. I saw the man standing on the corner in black and white suit with a red tie. He was tall and lean. Thin muscles showing through the well fitted suit. Dark hair placed with perfection.

Anal... this guy's going to be very anal.

I slowed my stride and blotted my forehead with my palms. I took a few breaths to calm my breathing. "Hi. I'm Delilah." I held out my hand.

"Hi, Delilah. I'm Wilson." He shook my hand, his grip firm and steadfast. I looked into his eyes.


This guy really could be Bartholomew's brother.

I wonder if he IS Bartholomew's brother... though he only mentioned him as a business associate.

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