Chapter 15: Healing Begins

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Chapter 15

Healing Begins


To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under Heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die.

My stomach gave a twist, so I took a sip of my tea.

A time to plant, and a time to harvest. A time to kill an a time to heal. A time to break down, and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time t o cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together. A time to embrace, and a time to separate. A time to get, and a time to loose. A time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to rend, and a time to sew. A time to keep silent, and a time to a speak. A time to love, and a time to hate. A time of war and a time of peace.

On who's clock?

I thought, wrinkling my nose. I didn't like the idea of having so little control. I read on.

He hath made everything beautiful in his time. Also, he hath set the world in their heart so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Okay... so I don't really understand, but basically, nothing I do matters because God is controlling everything.

It doesn't matter what I want or need, he's going to do it his way.

It's his way or the high way.

I'm supposed to be comforted by this?

 This is supposed to give me hope?

Yeah, right.


I slammed the book shut. Instantly, I felt guilty. I didn't want to hurt the book that had been so important to my mother.

"Messy, come on." I ordered, grabbing the Bible off the table. "I'm going to call Madds and see if she wants to go to breakfast."

"So Madds and Randy leave for finishing school in two weeks." I said to Messy after I called Madds. She couldn't go to breakfast and didn't have much time to hang out. Randy had become her life. "I let them think I was going to reschedule my audition. I doubt I'll be going back to school any time this year." Messy sat in the kitchen at his food bowl as I dumped in his kibble.

Knowing I had to be at Serendipity in just a few hours to start my first job, I didn't want to get involved in too much. It was a good thing Madds was too busy. I took my time eating breakfast and taking a shower. It was better to not be in a hurry when your nerves are already sizzling with anticipation.

Grasping at the towel around my waist and balancing another on my head, I sifted through my small selection of black skirts. Bartholomew had sent me a text message during my shower to remind what time I was supposed to be there and what I should wear. I chose a skirt of conservative length. It was a pencil skirt, tight around the knees. My shoes were the perfect compliment. They were a plain, conservative pump which made my legs look fantastic. Bartholomew had said he would have a shirt for me, so I just had to choose something to throw on for a bit. I choose a square neck burgundy t-shirt. I could wear it under the button up he would have for me.

I tossed the clothes on my bed while I finished getting ready. Messy disregarded me and fell asleep while I scurried around. I sprayed something curling gel in my hair to smooth and accent my wavy spirals. I pulled the mop into a sexy-messy ball on top of my head, pulling a few strands down to shape my face. I put on enough make up to give me a pretty look, but not over done. I quickly dressed, not wanting to be late in the least.

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