The Surprises from a Cold Heart

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Chelsea's POV
I spent some time talking with Julia about Vaughn. I seemed to ramble on a while about how obnoxious he acted. I didn't realize it but Julia was smirking at me in a peculiar way.

"Hey, Chelsea..."

I looked at her questioningly.

"Um.. Yeah?"

"...Do you like Vaughn?~"

Her sudden question caught me off guard. I stared at her blankly for what seemed like forever.

"...What?! No! How could someone like a guy like that?! Haven't you heard me saying how much he annoys me?!"

She only looked at me and laughed.

"Hey, relax! It was just a question, no need to freak out about it."

I sighed with agitation, and looked behind me since I swore I heard footsteps on the sand.

The pink haired boy with glasses blushed faintly, knowing that I acknowledged his existence.

"Well Julia, I better get going."

I whispered to her softly, "I think there's a certain someone who wants to spend some time with you."

Julia blushed furiously and told me that I could stay but I insisted that I go. I turned and took my leave as I glanced at Julia and Elliot sharing some time together.

I realized that I hadn't eaten for the past day when I felt my stomach growl.

"Ugh.. I'm hungry.."

"Maybe you should get something to eat then, Chelsea!"

I heard Denny's chipper voice behind me and I turned and smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm about to go to the diner to eat. Would you like to join me?"

He smiled and nodded at me.

Denny and I walked into the diner and sat on the left side of the restaurant. I glanced over to the right, and to my surprise Vaughn was there too.

Why is he always where I am?!

I sighed heavily and Denny looked at me questioningly.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

I looked at him and forced a smile.

"Yeah, just tired. It's been a long day."

"I bet, Chelsea. You work pretty hard."

We ordered our food and ate, while chatting amongst ourselves.

Vaughn's POV
I heard the door of the diner open so I glanced over.

Oh great, her again? All I want is to enjoy my dinner but now she's here.

I watched her sit down with Denny on the opposite side of the diner.

Are they dating? Hm. None of my business anyways..

I tried to finish eating quickly but I almost choked upon hearing Denny shout at me from across the room.

"Hey! Vaughn! Why don't you come join us rather than be by yourself?"

I sighed and muttered to myself.


I got up from my seat, and pulled up a chair beside him.

We chatted a bit as we ate.

Chelsea's POV
Denny saw Vaughn across the room and called out for him to join us.

Oh great..

I looked at Denny shaking my head slightly, mentally pleading for him not to ask him to join us.

No, no, no, please, for the love of the goddess, no.

Vaughn joined us but was hesitant about it.

He probably didn't want to join us either.

I finished my food quietly while Denny and Vaughn conversed.

I stood from my seat and forced a smile.

"Well guys, I'm going to head home since I'm done, and I've had a long day. See you tomorrow!"

Denny and Vaughn both stood up. Denny smiled and I could tell he was up to something..

"Since Vaughn walks towards the same direction as you, why don't you both walk together?"

I panicked but kept my composure.

"Oh no, it's fine! I can get home safely."

Denny nudged Vaughn in the arm and smirked.

"But Vaughnie here can't let a girl walk home this late now can he?"

Vaughn blushed and tipped his hat down to cover it.

"Don't be ridiculous.."

Vaughn walked towards the door and stopped before he opened the door.

"...You comin'?"

I looked at him in shock.

"Uh.. Yeah, comin'."

I said goodbye to Denny and walked over to Vaughn. He opened the door and we walked slowly.


He was silent at first so I thought he wasn't going to respond.


I blushed slightly because I wasn't expecting him to respond.

"Oh um.. Nothing.."

Man, I didn't think that through now did I..

I glanced up at him and noticed he was looking the opposite direction of me.

I guess if he really didn't like me, he wouldn't have bothered to walk me home..

"You're a strange guy, y'know?"

"..The hell's that supposed to mean?"

I giggled to myself.


We got to my house after having small awkward chats along the way.

"Thanks for walking me home.. See you next week."

He tipped the front of his hat and walked away.

My heart was thudding against my chest. I laid on my bed and went to sleep, hoping my heart would calm down quickly.

Yaaaaay! Another part done! For any of you following this fanfic, let me know how it is, or if I'm getting off track or anything. Sorry about the really late updates, it's finals week and soon summer vacation will start so I'll finally have a break! Then I can write as much as I want~ Well, happy readings!(^ω)

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