Denying Thoughts and Oblivious Feelings

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Chelsea's POV
It was Wednesday, meaning Vaughn already left for the city. I sighed and stared at my calendar.

I have to wait a whole week.. W-Wait, what am I sulking about?! I get free time away from him!

I slipped on my boots and went out to do some farm work. I hummed to myself as I worked in the fields, not realizing that little by little I could hear the crunching of dirt under their feet. I turned and to my surprise, it was Julia.

"Oh hey, Julia! Can I help you with anything?" I smiled.

"Oh well.. You seeeee.."

She had the type of "I kinda need your help" look.

I sighed and stood up.

"Let me guess.. It has something to do with Elliot, doesn't it."

She laughed nervously and nodded.

I couldn't help but face-palm and think,

Boy, this girl is so helpless..

I eyed her curiously.

"Alright, what is it?"

"Uh.. Well.. I want Elliot to.. Take me out on a date.."

I couldn't tell if she was serious or not, but I couldn't help but laugh really hard.

"Are you serious Julia?! That's like asking Natalie to eat a mushroom! That's almost impossible!"

Julia had the look of doom on her face, and she fell to the floor.

"Is it really that impossible..."

I started to sweat and it wasn't because of the sun and the work I was doing.

"B-But, I'll try to help!"

She quickly got off the floor and smiled.

"Thanks Chels! I knew I could count on you!"

She turned and skipped away happily, leaving me alone once again.

"...She duped me into her damn plans again.."

I sighed and finished my work.


I smacked myself in the cheeks and groaned out loud.


I got up and cleaned myself off and went into town.

"No biggie, I'll just.. Keep myself busy for the rest of the week.."

I bumped into Elliot and his glasses fell to the ground. He was flustered as always and tried to find his glasses. I picked them up and handed them to him.

"Here you go."

"O-Oh.. T-Thank you C-Chelsea.. I-I'm really sorry!"

"Nothing to sorry about. Anyhow.. Let's just get to the point here. You like Julia right?"

Elliot's face turned bright pink.

"Y-Y-You knew?!"

I couldn't help put my hand on my face.

Oh goddess, how did Julia fall for THIS?! He's so.. Oblivious..

I smiled and looked at him.

"Yeah. So, I was wondering, maybe you should ask her out on a date?"

He cleaned his glasses, and put them back on his face, his face now crimson.

"I-I can't do that..! She- She'll reject me for sure!"

This guy.. Is so.. Oblivious..

"No, no, trust me. Just ask her out. Alright? Even now, could work. Oh hey look, it's Julia!"

I shoved Elliot over to Julia.

"Hey Jules! Elliot wants to ask you something!"

I left an embarrassed and flustered Elliot alone with Julia and I went down to the beach.

I sat on a rock and watched the ocean waves pull in and go out for a bit.

I guess I could go fishing.. Just to waste time. I wonder if Va-

I nearly slapped myself.

I only think of him as.. A friend! Yes! A friend! That's all!

I let out a sigh of relief.

I got up and went to the dock, and went fishing a bit, then went to ship the fish I caught and call it a day.

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