chapter 3

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Zayns pov

"Whats wrong cutie" i ask. I sighs deep and i know a piece of him died when he saw i didn't eat but that is not the issue.

"I don't really feel like talking about it. Sorry love" he says. In 1 hour it is his birthday. I am giving him the best birthday ever even if it means i have to take a bit of the cake i ordered. "Can one of your friends take over your shift? I need you all day" i say. "I can ask" he says. I kiss him and he buries his head in my chest.

I can hear him sniff a little. Okay that is it! He is gonna talk about it! "Prince tell me what happened please?" I ask worried. "I was at work and these kids came in. The youngest was 3 and they have been abused! I had a panic attack and i felt totally hopeless knowing i can never safe a kid" i can hear his voice cracking really bad.

It is very cute cus the irish is way worse then but i know it isn't for a fun reason. "I am so sorry" i say and i just let him cry in my chest. I hug him tight. "I also hate it you didn't eat!" He says. Of course he hates that.

Niall is really sensitive and that makes me extra productive over him. After 10 minutes he is silent so i look and he is asleep. "Night cutie" i kiss him on his head and he grabs me tighter. I smile and fall asleep too.

Next day
Liams pov

Harry could go home. Well we don't have one! I hate the orphanage and everyone makes fun of harry. Debbie is very nice to us.

"Hey get yourselves ready. We have a few visitors" Debbie says and we nod. I don't think we will be picked but whatever. Debbie helps harry changing.

After a while we go downstairs and have breakfast. The first 2 people walk in. Its a man and a woman.

It's clear when they take a baby. "I am scared" harry whispers to us. "I know but you're not going alone" louis says.

"Look Z, i am not in the mood for any surprises to-" i hear and then the talking stops. I get a bit curious and turn around. "You're joking right?" The blond hair lad asks in tears. "Please don't pick a baby i don't wanna clean diapers" the black hair lad says.

Wait i recognize that blond hair lad. He helped Harry in the hospital. It looked like a panic attack when he saw us. He just sits down in a corner?

Nialls pov

I sit down and look around. A girl walks to me and starts to talk to me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I know how scary it is when you sit here.

I open my eyes and look around again. Zayn came to me and sat down with me. "You okay prince?" He asks. I nod and see the lads from the hospital. "I see the kids from the hospital" he looks around and i point at them.

"You want them?" Zayn asks and i kinda do. Zayn helps me up and we walk to them. "Go look for someone else! We are not interested" i shrug. "I wasn't interested either when i was 15 but now we are here" they look mad at me.

"Liam" i point at him and he looks confused. "That is Louis" as i point at him. "And the little lad you hold is harry. I am not separating any siblings" i say. Zayn went to debbie to fill the adoption papers.

"Get your stuff if you have any" i say and they nod. After not very long they come back. "Don't think we will call you dad or father!" Louis says pissed. "Never asked you too. So it is nialls birthday and we are going to a caffee now" zayn says.

No! Those little assholes! Zayn and my friends just planned this! Probably weeks ago! "And tonight we are going out for dinner" zayn continues.

"You are very skinny" i look in the back and see liam covering his mouth. I turn to zayn. "Told you you're not fat" i say with a little smile. "And its okay to say that. Sometimes he needs to hear that" i say.

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