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"We've been in here for like 10 minutes, we should probably head back at some point."

"Sick of me already? Don't wanna get up."

About five minutes into our "moment," we moved from the wall to the floor, my back leaning against our previous location. Her head was now lying on my shoulder. In exchange, my hand was on her thigh, gently squeezing it.

If you had asked me a year ago if anything remotely similar to this would have happened, you would've received a laugh in response, followed by the nearest object being gently chucked at your head. Another person in my life, that I deeply care for? That sounds like a pretty good joke, when are we getting drinks next? Or something like that.

My short stupor was interrupted by a backhand released upon my forehead. "You were doing the thinking thing again, stop it." Akali said, slightly adjusting her position.

"It was good thoughts, I swear. This thing doesn't happen often, you know that better than anyone." I retorted.

"Hush, enjoy it then."

"Hush, enjoy it then, my name's Akali, waah!" I mocked.

She quickly scooted away from me.

"You know what, I don't like your shoulder anymore."

"Screw you, too."

Now better than ever, was a good time to return to the other recording studio. I stood up, offering her a hand. I received a slight head turn and smile in response, before she made contact with my fingers and I yanked her up. She almost stumbled into the floor again, giving me an ugly look.

"One more for the road?" I asked, looking her in the eyes again.

She smiled, leaning forward towards my face once again. Our lips were inches from connecting, before she turned and started to head out the door.

"Nah, maybe next time."

"You suck. Whatever. Your loss." I couldn't help but smirk at my stupidity. I'd get her back later.

A few seconds later, we were back into the room we initially started the night in. There were two burgers stacked on the countertop, along with now everyone present in the main room. There was one free seat.

I decided to prop myself on the wall, next to Ekko. Funny relationship I'm having with walls, tonight.

Everyone was staring at me at this point, but I elected to ignore it.

Akali plopped down criss-cross next to Kai'sa. They made quick eye contact, and Akali turned her head, giving a wide, toothless smile. Kind of horrifying, if you asked me.

Lux, Yasuo, and Evelynn were having a conversation about the album. I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. Ahri was very focused on the wall in front of her.

Ekko turned to me, hitting me on the forearm. "You good, dude?"

I leaned over toward his ear. "Absolutely, man."

He quietly chuckled. "You look like you just won 10k. Everything chill between you two, I'm guessing?"

"Peachy keen."

"Who the fuck says that?"

You shrugged. Evelynn let out a cough, probably trying to get your attention. Once you made eye contact, she moved onto the next person, Ahri.

"Ahri. Earth to Ahri." Evelynn snapped her fingers, but Ahri was not paying her any mind. That wall must've been mighty interesting. I looked closer at her face, then noticing a red tint in her eyes. Oh, never mind, it wasn't the wall's fault.

Angel Blade (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now