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explaining stuff in authors notes or letting the writing speak for itself? the question of all time

also, pick a number! one or two?

"Let's cut to the chase then, I hate wasting my time. We want you on the team." Supporting member one makes her introduction!

"I'd have to agree with her!" Supporting member two on the scene!

"Speaking for the rest of us that aren't here, Y/N, I want you here too." Supporting member three, slightly more important than the other two, makes her opinion known!

Based off of that, we can tell something is going on! But what the hell is going on?!

Hello everyone! This is me, the main character. Well, you technically, but we all know that reader-insert stories are just an excuse for an author to write their OC and not make a name! And they're popular!

I'm getting sidetracked. I was supposed to go to a meeting with zero idea on why said meeting was happening. Suspicious? Possibly. However, the object of my confusion, Kai'sa, not Kai, she definitely didn't tell me off for that off-screen, told me it was important. As the current resident of the domicile known as my brain, I know that when an attractive woman tells me something, I'll be much more inclined to do it. Especially after flirting with me. Definitely gonna do it now.

I would like to preface this with the fact that I AM dating Akali. Just because I'm dating someone doesn't mean I can't be attracted to someone else, okay? To be fair, every time her and Kai'sa in the same vicinity they're up to some shenanigans. Definitely something there that I refuse to miss. Unless I'm overthinking once again.

Objection! Sidetracked! Again!

Meeting, right. As soon as Kai'sa and Akali left, I sauntered over to my bike, thinking about how nice the weather was. Slid my gear on, because I would rather be hot then lose the skin off of my leg when I inevitably fall off said bike, and began my journey.

Along the way, I had various thoughts rolling around in my head about women, anime, the gym, plenty of things. Average post-graduate brain. Enough to slightly distract me on the way and make my drive feel that much quicker. The address did not take me to the studio, instead taking me a few minutes away from the coffee shop I was stationed at.

I now arrived at a pretty tall skyscraper. Not the biggest I'd seen, but pretty large in comparison to the buildings around it. Better than average, that's for sure. Heh.

Parallel parked my bike in a spot, paid for said spot, because what's a city without paid parking, and ventured inside. I was met with a pretty high-end building. A lot of marble, a lot of expensive looking things around. Pillars. You can envision it.

Walked up to the reception desk, making eye contact with a wonderful gentleman. I say wonderful because I felt terribly under-dressed looking at him. Crisp collar shirt, blue vest, sleek haircut, and an insane mustache. Like, "something you would see in a clickbait YouTube video" insane.

"Good day, sir! What can Braum help you with?" 300-watt smile, confident eye contact. Man, this guy is on another level.

"I, uh, had a meeting here. Kai'sa told me to come around this time. My name is (Y/N), if that helps?"

I stood there, fidgeting with my pockets. I always have this weird thing with standing at reception desks, never know where to put my hands. Kind of annoying.

"Hmm... ah! Yes. Kai'sa phoned earlier about meeting. Floor 30 is executive floor. Look for room 3015. Call if need anything else!" He said, while he gestured at the elevators adjacent to him.

Angel Blade (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now