Chapter 19.1 - Sins of the Father

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"I can't..." I breathed. "This can't be real."

"Well, believe me: it is real," Irina fired. "Steven, you need to accept the fact that your dad isn't who he says he is...all of us do. It's the only way we're ever going to make sense of all this."

"And what about your mom?" I retorted, turning to face her. "Prudence said her hands weren't the cleanest either!" I glared fiercely across the couch. "I mean, what kind of woman lies to her daughter about locking away a sister she never even knew?"

"Probably someone who was scared your dad would—!"

"Guys!" Sam spoke up. "We can't do this right now."

I folded my arms across my chest.

"Sam's right," Ahmed said. "I'm gonna text Prudence my number, and then the four of us've gotta figure out our next move." He grabbed his phone and began typing.

"I think Prudence made it pretty clear," Irina announced, rolling her eyes. "We can't leave this house no matter what."

"Well, I can't just sit around either," I protested. "What if Lane goes after my dad?"

"Were you not listening at all to Prudence's story!? Steven, your dad is a monster! And maybe even a murderer! Do you really think—?"

"That's enough, Irina!" I raged. "I don't care what Prudence said! I don't care! I know my dad isn't perfect, but I can't just let him die! I...I...." My voice crackled as it trailed off, the burn of tears threatening to fall at the edges of my eyes.

"Steven." Ahmed's hand wrapped around my shoulder. "Steven, it's okay."

I bowed, my head shaking from side to side.

"Irina, Sam, could you give us a minute?" Ahmed's request was low, and he squeezed my shoulder tighter as he spoke. "Please?"

Irina was the first to stand to her feet, and Sam reluctantly followed her from the living room.

Ahmed sighed. "You've been through a lot, Steven. And I understand why you don't want to stay here, but...we can't leave."

"You don't understand anything," I spat, shaking myself free of Ahmed's embrace. "You don't understand my family, and you don't understand my life."

He drew back. "I understand what it's like to lose a dad, lose a mom—lose people who said they cared about you." He shook his head. "I understand how it feels to think your family's one way, only to find out something completely different."

I hunched forward, rested my elbows on my thighs.

Ahmed gave another sigh. "And I understand how much it hurts when...when the people you trust most in the world betray you, or...or lie to you about...everything."

I sniffled. "Well, if you really do understand all that," I began, "then you know why I can't stay here." I turned to him. "Ahmed, I have to know my dad's side of this...I have to know why."


"I feel like I'm going to explode," my voice cracked again. "I can't just sit here, Ahmed."

He fell silent.

"Then I'm coming with you."

Ahmed and I turned in unison to the doorway.

"Sam?" Ahmed started. "What are you—?"

"Steven, you're right," Sam turned to me. "If we stay here, if we don't hear your dad out, we may never find out what really Lane or anyone else."

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