Chapter 6.2 - The Pen is Blightier Than the Sword

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"Ahmed, I'm fine, seriously," Irina assured me as we pulled up slowly in front of my house.

"Are you sure? Sam looked really upset."

Her eyes fell. "I'm fine," she repeated. "Besides, I should be asking you that question. How're you holding up after...everything?"

I looked down. "Well, I'm definitely not fine. I don't know what I thought we would solve by going to see Madam Caroline." I sighed. "It seemed like it really freaked Sam out."

"You think you know people," Irina muttered.

I reached across the seat and placed my hand on Irina's shoulder. "Hey, just give him a little time. If Sam's really your friend—and I know he is—then he'll reach out. He'll tell you everything."

Irina glanced up at me, tears brimming at the base of her eyes. "But what if it's too late?"

"Too late?"

"What if he knows something—something about what happened to Glenn Clather?"

"Irina." I squeezed her shoulder. "Sam's going to be fine. Worrying about him isn't going to solve anything."

I got out of the car and walked up my sidewalk, then waved to Irina as she drove away.

I turned, slid my house key in the lock and opened the door. "James, Katherine, I'm home!" I called.

I walked into the living room to find the two of them standing in front of the fireplace, a smiling lady beside them.

"Why hello, dear," said the mysterious figure, a tall woman with long ebony hair that curled at its ends. "You must be Ahmed. Oh, I have been so looking forward to meeting you!" She walked swiftly to where I was standing and slung her arms around me, hugging tightly.

"Oh, um...hi," I tried. "It's...nice to meet you."

"I'm Charity," she added. "Charity Vaughn-Daley."

I smiled lightly, returned her embrace.

"Oh!" she spoke up suddenly. "While I'm thinking about it, I wanted to give you all these." She released me and hurried over to the couch, where a large cardboard box sat on the floor beside it. She reached inside and pulled out three white bags full of candles.

"These are my favorites," she explained. "I special ordered them from"

Katherine took the bags from her, reaching inside the first to grasp a snow-white cylinder of pure wax. "These are so beautiful," she marveled, grabbing two more candles and inhaling their sweet scents. "And they smell delightful. Oh, thank you, Charity! I love them!" She placed the bags back on the couch and turned to embrace the woman in a hug.

"You're very welcome, dear." She kissed Katherine on the forehead, then smiled at me and James as well. "The three of you bring so much joy to my heart. I'm delighted we'll be neighbors."

"Neighbors?" I blurted the question before considering its bluntness.

"Yes, love," she nodded. "I was telling your parents right before you came that I'm moving to this neighborhood. I hear lots of EdgeWay members live here, so I figured I might as well join the family."

"Oh," I replied, a bit unsure at first. "S-sounds good to me. hope you like it here."

She smiled a gentle smile, then glanced quickly at her watch. "Oh, my. It's getting later than I thought." She looked up to face us, that bright smile returning to her face. "Would the three of you care to join me for dinner? It's my treat."

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