Chapter 5 - Chide and Seek

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It had been three days since we'd found Glenn Clather dead and brutalized in EdgeWay's usher room. And in those three days, I'd only managed about six hours of sleep. The slightest floorboard creak, the most mundane of pitter-patter, the dripping of a faucet—anything at all—and I was awake; I was checking the hallway, glancing over my shoulder, listening for footsteps. I must have tried the locks and deadbolts over twenty times since Friday, and I still couldn't sleep.

When Monday finally arrived and my alarm clock signaled the start of a new day, I was actually relieved to be heading to school. Even though the cops were still combing through both EdgeWay's church and the adjoining academy, Principal Turner had sent out an e-mail saying they were allowing students to come through a back entrance to the main building so classes could continue.

I was about to head out to EdgeWay, grabbing an apple for breakfast and sending Grace a quick text message, when my mom rushed downstairs and hurried through the kitchen.

"Steven, put that phone away and go to school," she chided as she walked past me on her way out the door, carrying a lunchbox as she strode. "Your father forgot his lunch again; and with all the police swarming the church, it'll be a nightmare if he tries to get into traffic and order take-out again."

A nightmare, huh? I sighed at the irony. I'd been having lots of those lately.

"Love you too, Mom," was my snide reply.

She shot me a glare as she sped out the door.

Mom's uptight, as usual, I texted Grace, waited for a reply.

Do you think she knows?

She hasn't said anything if she does.

Steven, i'm scared. i can't believe i let you talk me into going to that school.

babe, relax. nothing to be scared of. we pulled a prank, it's not like we killed that guy.

U really think the cops are gonna see it that way?

They're not gonna find out unless one of us squeals. get a grip and just don't act suspicious.

get a grip? what's THAT supposed to mean?

It means you're freaking out way too much. th cops are all over that school, and if they see ANYTHING that looks out of the ordinary, they're gonna start asking questions.

No response. She was probably having one of her mini panic attacks, running her trembling hands nervously through her hair. Honestly, I couldn't stand Grace sometimes.

After a few more minutes of her silence, I clicked my phone off and skulked out to the garage, getting in my car and pulling out of the driveway.

It was going to be a long day.


When I made it to EdgeWay, I somehow managed to weave through the obstacle course of police vehicles strewn throughout the parking lot and found a space. I parallel-parked between two cop cars and headed inside.

I was just sliding into my seat in first-period English when the teacher, Mrs. Elton, said I was wanted in my dad's office.

I sighed and got right back up to leave, heading out the school building and up the street to the church, opting to walk rather than drive so as to not sacrifice my parking space to whatever late-comer could find it.

The pathway to Dear Old Dad's was littered with black-and-white cars, motorcycles, and mopeds.

Sheesh, I thought to myself, one guy dies, and the entire police force wants in on the investigation. You'd think this Glenn Clather dude was the pope or something.

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