Chapter 8 - Stones Unturned

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"If I didn't know better, I'd be willing to bet Steven planted that body there to get attention," Irina said as she crossed the parking lot with me after school.

I sighed. "Gosh, Irina, don't you think you're being a little hard on the guy? I mean, this can't be easy for him."

"Oh, like it's any easier for us? Try to remember that a cop came to my house with a picture of me and some girl who looks like she could be my sister. Steven's not the only one who's going through a lot. And if I had to guess, I'd say he's enjoying the spotlight a heck of a lot more than we are."

I looked down. "Irina, look, I know all the crap Steven's done, but...I don't know. It just doesn't seem right to throw him under the bus like this."

Irina kept walking, her stride intact. "And just what are you suggesting?"

"Maybe we should...I don't know...try reaching out?"

Irina actually laughed out loud.

"Irina, come on. Grace just broke up with him, he's run across two corpses in ten days' time, and I feel like he could really use a friend...or two."

"Well, he has one. Dylan's his best friend, and that should be enough."

I sighed, then turned to face Irina, my eyes squinting in the brightness of the afternoon sun. By this point, we'd made it to her car and she was rummaging through her purse for the keys.

She exhaled lowly. "Look, Ahmed, if you really want to try and make nice with Steven, go for it. I'm not stopping you. But when he tells you to bug off, don't get mad if I say I told you so." She pressed the unlock button on her car keys, looping her fingers through the keychain hole as she did, then pulled open the driver's door, seated herself inside, and drove away.

I waved as Irina departed, then turned back to head to the front of the school, where I would wait for Katherine to pick me up. Passing several black-and-white police vehicles parked along the sidewalk, I walked up the asphalt-laden path to the main building.

I opened the double doors and walked inside, where I spotted Ms. Charity waiting with her legs crossed on a bench outside Principal Turner's office.

"Hi, Ms. Charity!" I called out, waving.

She looked toward me and smiled that warm and genuine smile she always seemed to wear. "Hello, Ahmed. It's so good to see you, dear. I hope you've been keeping well."

I sighed as I walked over to her, closing the distance between us. "I guess as well as I can, given what's been happening lately."

She glanced down. "It really was a tragedy to hear about Caroline. And not even two weeks after Glenn's passing."

I stuffed my hands in my pockets. It seemed changing the subject was the only thing I could do. "So, um...what're you doing out here?"

"Just waiting a moment. Now that I'm a member of EdgeWay, I've requested a position on the Outreach Team. Pastor Hall and several other members of the church board are in Principal Turner's office right now discussing my candidacy."

"Whoa. That's...that's amazing! Are you nervous?"

"Honestly, I'd say I'm more excited than nervous." She smiled. "I've already prayed about this, and I think it's God's next step in my life. He wants me here, doing outreach at EdgeWay." She paused for a moment. "I always knew He would end up leading me back here. I just wish it hadn't been under such dire circumstances."

I hesitated. "Um, Ms. you mind if I ask you something?"

"Not at all, dear," she said. "What's on your mind?"

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