Chapter 17.1 - Former Things

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I swallowed hard as Grace's voice stabbed through the phone. "Grace, w—what do you mean?"

"I got a text like five minutes ago. It was a picture, and it came from a blocked phone number. At first, I had no idea what it was." She exhaled. "But when I zoomed in, I saw it was some kind slip."

"Pink slip?" I puzzled.

"Yeah, and it was for Cameron. That fancy job he's just 'taking a break from' because he worked so fast? Turns out he was lying about that. His boss in Chicago fired him like two months ago, and this picture proves it. It's signed by a company manager."

My jaw fell.

"And get this," Grace continued. "Whoever texted me this photo sent another message that said, 'You know what to do.'"

Reluctantly, I turned to Ahmed and Irina, and both of them stared back at me with wide eyes.

"Um, hello?" Grace piped through the speaker. "Steven, are you still there?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm here, Grace. I just—"

"Steven, this is crazy. I mean, who would send something like this?"

I lowered my head. "Probably the same person who tried to kill me last night."

Grace kept silent for a moment. "I guess I should get this to the police. I just wanted to give you a heads-up first, and..."

My heart thumped. "Grace, wait."

"Wait? Wait for what? Whoever did this could be trying to kill you—"

"I know," I tried. "It's just...if we give that to the cops, if they start a public investigation, it could ruin my dad. And I think I've already got something here at Molding the Way that they could use."

She paused. "This is unreal." Her voice dropped its pitch. "Are you seriously so worried about appearances that—"

"I'm not 'so worried' about appearances, Grace," I cut her off. "But I care about my dad and my brother, and this could really hurt both of them."

"And I'm worried about me, Steven," she huffed. "Whoever sent this obviously wants me to put your brother on blast, and—"

"Well, don't!" I shouted. "Just don't send it. It's not that hard!"

"And what if they come after me? What if I don't send this photo and then I end up carved open in the church parking lot? Then what're you gonna say? That you were just 'protecting your family?'"

"Are you kidding me right now!?" I screamed. "I can't believe that—"

"Can't believe what? That I'm actually thinking about myself for a change? This may come as a shock to you, but I'm just as much human as you are. And last time I checked, I don't owe you anything." She paused. "Steven, my mom and dad could be in just as much danger as your family is, and you'd better believe I'm sending this photo straight to the police if it means saving them."

"If the only reason you called was to whine and PMS at me, then why are you even still talking—?"

"Because I'm not like you!" her voice found its edge. "I called you because I thought you should know so you wouldn't be blindsided, and because...because I'm not so petty and insecure that I have to sneak and hide and do everything in the dark just so I never have to face the truth!"


"Steven, you listen to me. If whatever you give the police doesn't lead them to open a full investigation, I am going to them with this picture. I am not afraid to call your family on its bullcrap if it means saving this town from a psychotic killer."

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