Look Alive Sunshine

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Missile kid soon darts to her mom and asks, " Who the fuck are they". Before her mom could respond the one that was wearing a purple and green mask responds The Fab 4 at your service, while taking a bow. As Cyanide and Atomic Light made their way forward Cyanide stops and says, " Who's this red headed bastard".  Which got a chuckle out of the 3 behind the red head. He then said this red headed bastard that just saved your asses would be Party Poison and that, while pointing at the one with the purple and green mask, would be Fun Ghoul. Ghoul then said and those two dipshits are Jet Star and Kobra Kid.
Cyanide being the simp he is whispers to Silver, "I'd let him give me his poison ". Party obviously hearing starts to go red in the face. While that was happening a man that was introduced  as Jet Star pulled Silver to the side and asked if the group had anywhere to go for the night. After explaining that their hideout was jacked up by a bunch of blind workers that were after Missle Kid, Jet had decide to see if the group could stay at the dinner for the night but that was quickly turned down by Party. Until Missle Kid walked up and gave party the biggest puppy eyes ever and asked, "pretty please". Party not wanting to deal with it anymore just says UGH FINE.
Jet than tells the group that they can follow them back to there place. As everyone got into there vehicles and sped down the getaway mile the sky began to get dark and cloudy. All of the sudden lightning and thunder began. Every few seconds lightning would strike. Crap guys looks like we're in for some good old acid rain said Silver .
      They arrived at the other killjoys base that seemed to look like a old dinner. As the acid rain started to pour down the group quickly tried making their way into the dinner Silver put her jacket over Graces (AKA Missle Kids) head as they made their way into the dinner. After making it into the dinner the trio realized that they didn't completely make it in and had a few burn marks. Party helped Cyanide with his burns. While a man named Cherri Cola helped Atomic with hers. Ghoul was trying to help Silver but was failing miserably, so Kobra came over to help the two.
After getting everything patched up Jet Star brought out cans of power pup for the group to have for dinner. After everyone scarfed down there food Party Poison started talking about how the acid rain could possibly be here for more than 1 night he came to the decision that the trio could stay till the rain stopped.
After about a hour and a half the fab 4 started making their way to their bed rooms. The boys brought out some blankets for the trio to use for the night as they sleeped in the front of the building. The man Cherri and Atomic seemed to get along and make friends fairly quickly so they sat watch that night on the covered part of the roof talking to each others about many different things for most of the night as the other killjoys drifted off to sleep for the night.

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