Id Be Another Memory

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As the night fades into morning the sun started blazing. Ashlee and Ghoul made their way back into the dinner from the roof to no one's surprise Jet was the only one up and was making coffee. Hey I'm gonna go lay down since your up now said Ashlee. Ghoul agreed and lead Ashlee back to his room.

      After about a hour or so the other killjoys were making their way into the living area of the dinner were they sat and ate breakfast. Party was going over the plan for the day when Ashlee and Ghoul walked in, Party ignoring them and continued talking about a supply run into zone 5. But was interrupted by Nat ushering him back to the back of the dinner to have a talk. Everyone else kinda carried on having their own conversations while Party and Nat talked.

          After about 30 minutes Party came back into the living room looking happier than I think anyone has seen, with Nat right on his heels. As Party sat down Nat jumped right on the table and made a announcement. Guys me and Party are having a baby. Kobra jumped up and was super happy and after finally calming down he looked Party in the eyes and started chasing him, you radish looking mother fucker you were supposed to pull out god damn it. The rest off the group were laughing at the antics going on. Party ran up and hid behind Nat. Kobra eventually stopped right in front of Nat and said, " I may not be very happy with what you did with my brother but I am happy I'll get to be a uncle".

          After the excitement was calmed down Party had decided  him, Kobra, Shelby, and Ashlee would go on this supply run. Nat wanted to but Party turned that down pretty quickly considering what Nat had just announced to everyone. After about 10 minutes the group started gearing up for the run. They made their way to the car and started down the road.

          After a while. Party killed the engine of the car in front of the dilapidated Walmart, its once-freshly painted sign now barely clinging to the frame. Party glances over at Kobra. With a nod to each other, they all grab their ray guns, adjust their masks, and step out of the car. This could be a big score or it could be pretty sucky. Only one way to find out.

          They all approached the door Shelby and Ashlee decided to cover each other as they walked into the building Inside, the aisles were a mess with scattered supply's everywhere. We all moved silently, communicating with hand signals. As we rounded a corner, we all freeze. There, in the flickering light stands a little girl. Her eyes are wide with fear, clutching a ragged doll to her chest.

         Party Poison lowers his weapon slowly, making sure his movements are non-threatening. Kobra steps forward, offering a friendly smile beneath his mask. "Hey there, kiddo. Are you alone?" he asks gently. The little girl nods finally stepping into the light a bit more. Party finally sees her. "Bandit", Party partially yelled. Bandit dropped her doll, as Party ran to her and embraced her in a hug her grip tightened on Party. Party and the rest of the group knew they were not leaving her there. Party finally found her again and would not lose her this time. They all exchange a look. They came looking for supplies, but they might just have found something much more important.

After finding Bandit in the abandoned Walmart, the group was kinda on edge. Party sees  Bandit, is overwhelmed with emotion and goes to her to see if she is hurt or anything . Bandit is really just stunned, she can barely believe her eyes. She's so happy to finally see Party again he was like a dad to her, till they got split apart a few years ago. Their connection was clear to everyone..

Everyone made their way back to the Trans Am once they got the supplies. Party and Bandit talked about what they have both done since they were split up. Party tells Bandit about Nat and how they have started to get along pretty good. The ride back to the dinner felt pretty fast.

They all finally arrive back at the dinner. Nat, Ghoul, Cherri, and Jet we're all waiting outside. They all welcomed the group back. Nat ran up and gave Party a hug, his eyes drifted to Bandit before stopping the hug. Nat was shocked to see Bandit again. Nat and Bandit shared a big group hug with Party. "I can't believe I found you both again, I've missed you so much", said Bandit. After the eventful day the group all headed back to the dinner and hung out for a while. Grace and Bandit started to talk and have been playing around the dinner. The sun was setting so they all decided to call it a day. There was a extra room in the dinner and everyone decided to let Grace and Bandit share a room so they could all have rooms. Everyone made it back to the room they were sleeping in and started to settle down.

     No one was on watch tonight.considering that while the group was out today Jet was installing the cameras on the outside of the dinner. Kobra has been working on the Cameras for a while and made them motioned censored. So they should get a alert if anything is happening outside of the dinner. Which will hopefully insure a great sleep for the group tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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