Get Up and Go

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Jet and Grace woke everyone up with the news that the rain had finally stopped. Once everyone got up and around Party announced that we're getting low on supplies and needed to go on a run. He decided that if this trio was gonna be around he might as well use them to his advantage. He decided he'd go on a supply run with Cyanide, Silver, and Kobra.
The 4 got into the trans am and began speeding in the direction of zone 5. The 4 decided to stop at what looked like a old Dollar Store, that hasn't been completely gone through. The 4 split up and collected things that would be useful and stuffed them into their packs. As they meet at the front of the store a few laser beams were shot into the building. Shit it's blind said Kobra. Come out peacefully with you hands up, said a Scarecrow. But it was quickly shot in the face by Cyanide. Damn nice shot Cy said Party. 
Party and Kobra started to shoot at the dracs and scarecrows with Silver and Cyanide right behind them. They were taking out the blind members left and right when all of a sudden Party sees a drac getting ready to shoot his brother in the chest as he was in gaged with another one. Party screamed at his brother but a laser was shoot right toward Kobra as It neared him Silver pushed Kobra out of the way and was shot. Cyanide ran toward his friend and didn't see the other drac getting ready to shot at him. Party pushed Cyanide out of the way and took a shot to the shoulder and went down while saying a bunch of swears.
Kobra ran to Silver and put pressure on her wound. Party was still trying to shot the last few dracs but was still in a tremendous amount of pain Cyanide finished of the last few dracs and ran to Party who was now sitting up on the ground breathing hard. Cyanide punched Party in the knee cap and said, "Don't ever do dumb ass shit like that again you red headed bastard, I don't know what I would have done if I lost you". Party kinda blushed as Cyanide helped him up.
They walked over to Kobra and Silver as Kobra was helping her up while keeping pressure on her side were she was shot. They made their way back to the trans am and got in Cyanide was in the drivers seat with Party by his side and Kobra and Silver were in the back. Cyanide radioed back to Atomic Light to tell her what had happened and to be ready when they arrived back. After the vehicle was started and Cyanide began driving to the dinner Kobra spoke up and said, " I hate to break it to you both but you guys are gonna have to get stitches when we get back to the dinner". The car went silent again for a solid 2 minutes before Silver said, " Like hell I am". Party nodded his head in agreement as Cyanide continued to drive to the dinner.
Once they arrived to the dinner Jet and Ghoul rushed out the door to help bring Party and Silver in. Jet had started to help Party as Cherri was trying to help Kobra and Ghoul with Silver but as Cherri started to bring the needle closer to Silver his nose got meet with a boot. He dropped the needle and backed up, " Don't you fuckin touch me with that shit you bastard" said Silver. Jet had decide to go help Ghoul and Kobra with who he found out was Ashlee by Missile Kid. Jet finally used butterfly bandages on Ashlee after successfully calming her down after she threatened to kick him in the shins multiple times.
The day had started to slip away and the other killjoys were starting to go to sleep. Missile Kid decided she wanted to sleep with her mom to night so she dragged her mom along with her to Jets room. The group had layed down and started to drift off just like Cherri and Shelby and Cyanide and Party had. The day had came to a end and the killjoys were greatly appreciative of the nice sleep they were gonna be getting.

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