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Hi!!! My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I am currently 18 years old. My parents gave me up for adoption because they had me at a young age. But luckily I was adopted by my teacher in the 4th grade. My papa's name is iruka and my father's name is kakashi.

I am so grateful for them. They gave me a better life than I could ever think of. They adopted me from that hell they called an orphanage even though they didn't really have the financial stability for a child. They gave me what mattered most love.

When I was 14 years old I met my mother total coincidence but she told me that she wanted me back, he and my father Minato became big shots and became wealthy but that's not the life I wanted for myself. I had all that I could ever want with iruka and kakashi so I declined their offer of living with them.

They was disappointed but they supported my decision. I've never heard from them since that day. Now here I am freshly high school graduate, top of my class and the valedictorian. You would think that because I graduated with a 4.0 GPA that my life would be set but no it wasn't.

I got a scholarship to attend a college 4 hours away from my parents house. And the neighborhood was expensive. Which meant they I have to find work to pay for my food and housing. So I did to what I do best a researched. But my luck wasn't so great and I didn't find a job.

It's scary being alone in the world no parents, no job, and no support in a new city. I was behind on my bills and I really need a job. Tomorrow I will go out and go job hunting.

Like promised to myself I woke up ready to find a job. I went to my college classes. I chose to have a double major. So aside from my normal needed classes I had 2 more classes. I chose nursing and pharmaceutical science. After my classes it was 7:45. I walked to the market they usually had hiring posters around their stores.

As I walked down ever market street I found no hiring posters. Weird! My stomach growled and I had to do homework so I decided to give up and head home. But as I was passing one of the shops I saw a poster. I walked to it and read it contents.

Sasuke uchiha hiring a live in babysitter for his 6 year old daughter who is hard of seeing. That sounds like an easy enough job! Not only would I be getting paid for an easy job, but I would be getting free housing which means I can save more money.

I looked at the number and called it. The phone rang three times before a deep, hot voice answered. I subconsciously blushed, who was this person and if their voice turned me on that much I don't know how much I can take being around it.

"Hello?" The voice answered. I snapped myself out of my creepy thoughts and answered back. "Hi sorry my name is Naruto, and I am calling for the baby sitting poster in the market. Hopefully the job is still available?" I asked. What if the job wasn't free and I was calling for no reason.

Dammit this is scary can't he just answer already! I mentally yelled. "Yes the job is still available. Interview will be tomorrow at 2 pm. I will send this number my address is that okay?" The voice I am assuming is sasuke uchiha replied.

"Yes, this is my number. Wait! No I cannot do that tomorrow, I have school until 5 which mean I won't be able to make your interview." I honestly answered. Somebody please help me!!! Why was I so embarrassing. He probably thinks I am stupid now. I pouted.

"School? How old are you." He asked me. "I am 18 dattebayo!" I remarked. Instantly blushing what was I saying dattebayo? Oh somebody end me now! I heard the most attractive chuckles. "I see, okay just coke by whenever you are free we can see your qualifications, and how much you desire for this job if your a match of what I'm looking for I will let you know." The guy said.

"Okay thank you." I stated hanging up. As if a second later a received a text. It was the address of the guy Sasuke I was just talking too. I walked home excited. As I did my night routine and went to bed I found myself unable to sleep. Ugh that guy and his voice wa stuck in my mind. Sending endless butterflies in my stomach.

I knew I just had to tell somebody about this so called my father and papa. "Naruto? Are you okay it's late to be calling." Ansered iruka. "Papa I'm sorry for calling this late but omg I might have found the perfect job for me." I shouted. Both my parents knew I have been struggling to find a job.

But when kushina and minato offered to send me money I declined. I needed to learn how to get independent and make money myself or else I will be nothing but a spoiled good for nothing who can't fend for themselves thinking they are better than others.

"Okay tell me about the job." Iruka asked. I couldn't hold back my scream as I hugged my pillow. Iruka knew I was a feminine gay. Which meant I liked being the female in a gay relationship, although I've never been in one. "Papa it's a baby sitting job for a spoiled rich blind kid. But the father I'm assuming voice oh the phone was so hot and it made me want him so bad." I whined.

I heard iruka laugh on the other line and I pouted. How could he laugh at a time like this. It's my first love. My first real crush. I've never like anybody seeing as they wasn't my standard but this guy was so much different and I could tell that by his voice.

"Naruto that's good hopefully thinks work out for you, now go to sleep it's 10:45 and you have school tomorrow." Iruka demanded. I rolled my eyes he was such a mother even when I am a grown man. "Fine dad. Tell dad I said hi good night I love you." I said yawning. I knew he was smiling where he was. "Night son we love you too." He replied and hung up.

I wonder what tomorrow will hold. I hope that Sasuke guy is okay with gay people because it would be hard hiding it near him. I just cannot wait to meet my prince and savior. Who knows maybe I can make him fall for me. I laughed to myself, yeah that would be a great dream. I fell asleep dreaming about my phone prince.

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