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I walked to the dinning room from what I have remembered walking to my room. When I have arrived I saw Sasuke sitting at the end of the table with Sakura sitting on the last chair in the right. I then saw sarada across from her.

It was like Sasuke wanted them as far away from his as possible. I was confused on where to sit. "Naruto come sit on the left of me." Sasuke demanded. I nodded and walked to that seat with my head down. When I arrived at the seat I quickly sat in it still bot looking at anybody.

"Tonight is seafood Alfredo with a side of steamed broccoli." A maid informed while putting our individual plates infront of us. I could never get used to this. These people had chefs to cook their meals, maids to serve their meals, butlers to help move, what's next a personal driver and a person chiropractor when they was 'stressed'?

They probably do. I can't understand how is this healthy? It makes a human incompetent of natural human chores. Making them infit for the real world. Money come and goes and if they was to loose their money none of them would know how to wash their own clothes.

Well not me! I am not going to let these maid do all the basic necessities a person should know how to do. "Naruto what's wrong your giving a pouting face." Sasuke asked with slignt concern in his voice. I looked at him.

"I'm not going to let the maids and cooks do all the work. If a person is too spoiled they loose the ability to become a functional adult to society and I am not going to let that happen to me. I will cook my own food, serve myself, wash my own dishes and clothes!" I remarked.

I saw Sakura glare my way and Sasuke nod. What was they thinking the quiet was killing me. "I will fire all the maids and cooks, your right." Sasuke responded. My eyes widened what? That's crazy. Sakuras fork dropped from her surprise. "Sasuke-kun that obscured! Who will do those things then? We rich people don't need to dirty ourselves with that work." She yelled.

"Sakura silence yourself or leave my dinning room. It's your job as the women to do those things. But because your father raised you like a spoiled, ungrateful, annoying bitch you don't know how to do those simple tasks." Sasuke gritted out. The air was thick again, those two just didn't seem to get along.

Sakura started crying. "Sasuke, I love you stop being mean to me your spouse!" She yelled demanding his respect. He only rolled his eyes. "Naruto so tell me more about yourself." Sasuke asked. I nodded. Sakura seems to had enough and stormed out the room. I sighed that was also going to have to take time getting used to.

"Well I am adopted by two gay guys, oh and I am also gay which I hope you don't mind. And um my birthday is October 10th. My favorite food is miso ramen with extra pork. And I am 18 years old." I said the most I could think about when somebody says tell me about yourself.

"Interesting, and no I have nothing against gays." He stated eating his pasta. I nodded and finally took a bite of my dinner. It was fantastic, is this what the difference between my cheap seafood Alfredo from the store and this expensive chef cooked Alfredo tasted like?

My mouth was in food heaven. I scarfed down my plate rubbing my stomach as I finished. Sasuke only chuckled at my immaturity. "For desert we had a triple chocolate cake with a side of cookie dough ice cream." The same maid who brought dinner informed us.

The cake looked good. The cake itself was chocolate and it looked moist, there was chocolate chips with chocolate icing. Some might say too much chocolate was in that cake but to naruto it was perfect. This was the second meal he's felt so full and warm.

The first time was when he was adopted by iruka and kakashi they took him to a nice restaurant to celebrate their finalized adoption. Naruto felt happy to have a family. It was the best experience he's ever had. Now herehe was with his first crush, no first love eating delicious food he felt warm.

After eating went to my room and ran the bath. Luckily in the bathroom there was a bath kit with oils and bath salts. I undressed and sat in the bath. I felt my nerves and muscles relaxing in the hot water. I don't know how long I stayed in the water but I got out when I felt ready and sleepy.

I put on my silk pink robe because I usually slept in a night dress. There was a knock on my door. I opened it to see Sakura. "Oh hello!" I stated smiling. She only rolled her eyes and pushed past me to get inside my room. Her eyes wondered my room as if she was looking for something.

"Can I help you?" I asked annoyed. She sat on my bed when she didn't find what she wanted. "Listen you brat, my husband does not like you, a faggot like yourself doesn't belong here. So go back to your other weird parents your not wanted here." She gritted out. Oh so she some how was made aware of my phone call earlier.

I sighed I needed this job and as Sasuke made it clear she had no authority in this house she didn't make any of the decisions. "Exuse me ms. Sakura but as my boss stated I am welcome here. Please leave I have a busy day tomorrow and need all the sleep I can get." I demanded forcing her out my room.

I closed my door and sank down onto the floor. This was more than I asked for. My crush was playing with me, he's married, with a daughter which I was hired to watch. I shook my head to erase my thinking and I climbed onto the bed. Welcoming the sleep coming my way.

The next day I got dressed and went to school. Classes went as usual. After school it was 5pm so I went to the store; I needed more clothes, hygiene supplies and something for sarada I wanted to make the best impression for our first? Second meeting? So I got her a big, pink teddy bear. She was six so she should like it.

I walked into the house to see Sasuke in black dress pants with a dark Grey button up silk shirt. His top three buttons was unbuttoned and I was able to see his toned hot chest. I blushed and quickly looked away. Wondering where young sarada was. As if on que a maid came with sarada holding her hand guiding her to me.

"The young mistress has requested to meet you." The maid stated leaving saradas hand in mine. I gave a small smile to sarada. The more I looked the more pretty she seemed to get. She had black hair that went to her shoulders. Red glasses but her eyes was a dull pink color.

"Sarada I am your new caretaker. Naruto Uzumaki, I am 18 years old and I love children. Oh and I got you a gift!" I excitedly told her. Leading her to my grocery bags on the floor. I gave her the bear and let her feel around it. "My very first teddy bear." She cried. I couldn't help but hug her. She was so cute!!

I looked around and saw the maids watching us with small smiles. I'm guessing they was happy for sarada. After all her parents don't really show her any attention and it's like the maids raised her. So to see her interact so well with me made them happy.

I looked to sasuke and saw him smirk. I questioned why was he smirking. After a while sarada let go of the hug and a maid went to her leading her to her room. As I was collecting my bags Sasuke came up to me and whispered in my ear. "Nice ass naru~" I pushed him away from me running to my room.

My face fully flushed red. That's when I understood. He was smirking because when I returned the hug sarada gave me I had to bend down a little. Letting him see my ass. How humiliating.

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