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A week has passed. And Sakura was nowhere to be seen after that dinner. Sasuke told us that she was sent to her parents house after he kicked her out. But I didn't believe that. My school was off and I decided to decline my parents Thanksgiving offer to eat over there.

Today was my free day with sarada. So we both got ready and went to lunch. I denied sasukes request to join. I have been neglecting her every time I spent time with him. I was there for her I had to remind myself. "Naru-senei where are we going?" She asked. I put her in my car and drove her to my favorite place.

I helped her out the car leading her to the shop. She instantly smelled the food. After all her smell and other senses where heightened. "Ramen?" She asked, I chuckled yep it was no surprise that I was eating ramen. Everyone knew I loved ramen. "Yes this is my favorite ramen place." I responded.

She nodded and I led her to the booth. I ordered for the both of us. "Tell me how are you feeling with your mother being gone?" I asked. She usually confided in me when things was troubling her. "I don't know mother never visits her parents, she just left me alone. Father doesn't talk to me as much and when he does it seems forced." She responded.

It was sad she was right on the dot. Her father was. Eing forced by me to talk to her. And her mother's disappearance was making things worst. I have a bad feeling about this but I don't want to believe that Sasuke could be apart of her leaving.

The food arrived so we stopped talking and ate. She seemed to enjoy the ramen which made me happy. It wasn't rich like the food sarada was used too, but it was flavorful. After we finished eating I drove her to the park. Why not have a nice day at the park.

I watched her cautiously play with other children. There was things she couldn't do but she made up for that with doing other stuff. After when she got tired she joined me on the bench. "Say naru-sensei, since my mother is missing and didn't care about me in the first place how about you become my new mother! My father loves you thats obvious." She asked while I blushed.

She knew about me and her father's relationship? "Sure Sara bear I'll be whatever you desire of me." I answered. We sat in comfortable silence watching the sunset. Well I watched it. After sarada was leaning on me asleep so I picked her up and went to my car.

I buckled her up in the back seat then drove back to the house, there was many cars in the parking lot. Then there was a police car. What was happening? I carried sarada inside and saw I'm guessing the uchiha family and the haruno family, then a police officer.

"Naruto my family has come to help us find my missing wife." Sasuke said staring into my soul, as if warning me to be careful of what I was going to say. I gulped. The police officer walked over to me. "Excuse me I heard your the caretaker for the missing sakuras daughter." The officer asked me. I nodded. "Wait can I atleast put sarada back to bed." I interrupted.

The officer nodded and I walked to the closest room and put her on the bed, I went back to the living room. "Can you tell me about your relationship with her." The officer asked me. "Sure um, it was more of like a boss, employee relationship. We didn't speak to each other unless it was about her daughter." I answered, the officer wrote that down.

"Tell me about that bruise on your face." He requested. "Um I was fighting with my friend over ramen. I love ramen and he look my last one, I subconsciously punched him and he punched me back." I answered. Thankfully there was no hickeys on my neck, and most of the damage she had done to me healed.

The officer nodded. "Last question did she tell you where she was going." He inquired. I shook my head. But remembered what Sasuke told me. "Um actually after her and her husband got into an argument she shouted she was going to her parents." I tried my best to not sound like I was putting the blame on Sasuke. The officer looked at me.

"My daughter never made it to my house, and her car is not here so she went somewhere else." Hiashi raged. "Sorry but I will investigate this and try to find your daughter." The officer muttered before bowing then leaving. My heart seemed to calm down a little and I took many deep breaths to calm myself.

"Who is this fascinating person here?" Somebody said while groping my ass. I panicked and pushed them off me, who the hell touches someone they just met and in a sexuak manor. I saw Sasuke glare at the guy. "Naruto that was my asshole brother itachi. My mother mikoto, my father fugaku." He intoruduced.

I turned to his family and gave a small bow. "Nice to meet you I am Naruto uzumaki." I also introduced. I saw mikotos eyes widened. "Your kushinas son?" She asked me. I looked at her with my head tilted. She knew my bio mother? "Oh um not really I am adopted by someone else but kushiha did birth me." I responded.

Mikoto seemed sad by my answer and I wondered why. "We will be leaving." Sakuras parents told us. I saw itachi make a shew movement with his hand. I guess he didn't like the harunos. "So Naruto tell me about my best friends only child." She excitedly asked. I sighed. And sat on the couch. "Oh um I am 19. I love ramen and um I am in college?" I replied.

This was weird I didn't know anything about kushina and here I was talking about her with her best friend. The irony. "Naruto I knew your mother since she was 8. She left high-school at 14 because she got pregnant with you." Mikoto responded, I nodded my head I heard that so many times.

"Kushina and minato did something stupid and neglected to think of the results of her actions which was me. When I came they gave me away. They are nothing to me." I responded angrily. They gave me away. They was the same parents who came to me later expecting I would go back to them.

"Naruto I too am I teen parent I had itachi at 16. I am older than your mother but I too had a teen child. Please don't hate your parents." She asked me. I gritted my teeth that's why I should hate them! "You kept your child they cowardly gave me away!" I cried. Mikoto looked down.

Sasuke looked at me with a sad face. I looked down. I could see how sad mikoto looked I just yelled at someone who didn't deserve it. "I'm sorry." I apologized standing up ready to run in my room. But mikoto hugged me. I hugged back crying.

"No I'm sorry because I invited your parents over for Thanksgiving." She informed all of us. I blankly stared at her. How could she do something so vile? Wait she couldn't have known I was her friends son before today so she had her reasons. "She called me crying that her son rejected her offer to her Thanksgiving party and that her and minato would be spending their holiday alone so I invited them." She explained.

Everyone gave a small head nod in understanding. But wait if my bio parents was coming here that meant my actual parents would be alone on this holiday too. "I would have to reject this offer. My real parents would be alone and I will not allow that." I spoke. Sasuke looked hurt. It was clear his holiday plans was going to ruins by the second.

But I knew best he mostly wanted me with him. "Then invite them too. Your parents I'd love to meet them!" He shouted. I chuckled. "Okay sir." I replied. We had to be formal infront of his parents. He gave me a small smile which I blushed to. I pulled out my phone and invited my parents. This was going to be one Thanksgiving.

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