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Today was December 14th. Many weeks since the missing sakura investigation has started and still no clues. At first we was told that she ran off with another person because she couldn't stand her marriage but her parents called bullshit to that assumption saying her and sasukes marriage was perfect.

That there was no reason she would leave her family. How wrong could they be. It was clear that the whole relationship between Sasuke and Sakura was her one sided crazy obsession with him. Anyways the police started thinking of it as other things.

They assumed she was kidnapped by someone who was wanted ransom money from the uchihas since they was rich. But when no sort of call or even message came demanding money the police dropped that assumption.

Then they assumed that she was dead. Since they had no evidence of anything. But with no evidence of nothing they couldn't conclude a solid determination of what happened to her. It was like as if she never existed. I wanted to know what happened to her. And I had a feeling that Sasuke knew but how could I ask him?

I can't just go up to him and say yo! Did you kill your wife? That's absurd. But not only that itachi too seemed weird. He stayed longer than anyone did. He and Sasuke have been together often and whispering when I or anybody is around they stop their conversations.

I wanted to know what was happening in that house. Was I safe? If Sakura was killed would I be next? "To... ruto... naruto!" I heard someone yell. I snapped out my thoughts. Oh that's right I was still in class. I looked at my teacher she had a concerned face. "The bell rang about 5 minutes ago, and I've been calling you since are you okay?" She asked.

Was I okay? That was the question. Sasuke was more calm with me showing his love to me. Sarada was lovely but I couldn't shake thr feeling I was being watched. I had felt that way since the begining of the school year but after working for sasuke it stopped. But now it's back.

"Y-yes." I muttered quickly packing my stuff. I ran out the classroom. My breathing got heavier and my vision got blurry. I ran to the bathroom and washed my face. Letting the cold water calm me down a bit. But the feeling came back more intense like as if I was in sudden danger. I sprang my head up and for a moment I saw a black figure in the mirror.

I rubbed my eyes hoping all that I saw was just my nothing and my brain messing with me. When I looked back into the mirror there was nothing there. I took a deep death and calmed down. Today I was able hang out with my friends. I looked at the time and it was 2pm. They all got out at 4pm.

I decided to skip my other classes because of how I was feeling, I went into the school cafe and ordered tea with a side of cake. I happily ate my food then took out my wallet to pay. I walked to the library next, and I slept in the back. The librarian has made the back of the library a resting area.

Since the case of Sakura I haven't been getting sleep. Who could the girl went missing and there was nothing anybody could say about what happened. But they did say it was most likely she was killed for revenge of some sort. And with me getting closer to Sasuke that could happen to me.

I was shaken awake by shikamaru. He always knew where to find me. "Naruto let's go." He demanded yawning. I nodded and followed him. He drove us to the arcade. Where I saw the others. "Naruto it's been a while since we all hung out." Hinata commented.

That was an understatement. We haven't hung out in over 4 months and it's all because I got a job. "Sorry guys, the new job I got causes me to tend to sarada a lot." I replied. Hinata shook her head. "It's fine naruto-kun let's enjoy today." She retorted. I smiled "yeah."

The arcade was fun. I love how the outside had race cars. I loved driving the track. And the inside had games so I could win candy. Shikamaru said that it was a drag to choose anything from his points so o took his. I combined mine and his and was able to get more candy.

I went to the house i was temporarily staying in and saw itachi and Sasuke drinking. Great not only was Sasuke drunk but itachi too. Where was sarada they told Mei bad the day off while they watched her. I went to her room to see her sleep, I put the candy on her dresser and kissed her forehead good night.

I went to them drinking in the living room. "Naru I was thinking let's all have a threesome." Sasuke spoke. Shocking me to my core, he wants to have sex with his brother? Itachi looked at me smirking as he nodded. "Yes that does sound interesting join us na~ru~to~" itachi chimed. I shook my head. That didn't sound right.

Sasuke went to me kissing me which I allowed. Soon itachi joined. I was so confused, Sasuke was allowing his brother to touch me why? "Naruto you don't like me? Am I not hot?" Itachi asked with a sad voice. Great he was an emotional drunk.

Thinking about it. He wasn't bad. He was cute with a nice body but I was with his brother that was wrong. As if reading my mind Sasuke started talking, "naru I don't mind sharing." He stated biting my neck. I let out a moan. God the pleasure they was giving me was insane.

Was this drunk them talking or did they both want me? Was Sasuke really okay with sharing me with his brother? "Naru let's go." Sasuke commanded while biting my ear. I moaned again and gave a small nod. This wouldn't be wrong right? Itachi wasn't married so it wasn't morally wrong. That night was amazing. I definitely love both of them.

The next morning they was both gone. But they left a note saying they would be back soon. I went to sarada. Since she was off from school I decoded to play with her inside the house. "Let's play hide and seek." I'll hide you seek." I advised. I couldn't walk too much so it would be better if she tried to find me.

"Okay." She agreed I walked around the house. To make it easier I would make noice so she could find me. I walked around the house exploring that when I found a room I walked inside the room. It seemed normal but the closet had a metal door. I wondered what was down there. So I opened the door and walked down the stairs.

As I walked down I heard the door slam shut. I jolted scared from the sudden sound. I looked around, it was a weird room. I wandered around and saw a board with many photos of me. From when I was around 15 to yesterday. Someone has been stalking me. Taking photos.

I was freaked out. Was this itachi or sasukes doing? As I was walking around the room more and more stuff was there. My underwear, my fox stuffed animal I thought I lost. More photos. Addresses and numbers. I had enough this was physco, it's scary so I slowly back up but bumped into something. I couldn't leave any trace of me being down here so I quickly picked it up. It was photos of a beaten person. Many photos.

My stomach turned and my mind went into panick mode. What? Who? Then I noticed the emerald green eyes. This person in the picture was Sakura. Her hair was shaved, and her jaw was dislocated it looked painful. She had many marked on her back and her whole body. She looked dead her eyes wide opened.

"Naru-chan you've been a bad boy." I heard. I quickly turned to see itachi and Sasuke standing there with dark stares, Sasuke snatched the photos from me. I tried to run away. What was they going to do to me? I didn't want to believe it they killed sakura!! I started crying. I didn't want to die. Itachi went to me and hugged me. "Naru-chan you haven't seen the best part." He hungrily stated.

My head tilted what did he mean the best part. He dragged me by my arm to another board it had photos of me naked. I was so young in half of these. I started shaking. Before I blacked out.

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