I am the Immortal Iron Fist

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"You having any regrets. Zeb did want us to stay at Chopper base and help the Rebels plan their big attack on the TIE Defender factory." Colleen said

"No. We need to stop the Hand. They attacked K'un-Lun because I failed to find their leader Alexandra. I was too rash and too selfish. I focused all my energy on finding Gao and killing her for her involvement in my parents deaths. I should have used a more tactical approach and figured out the Hand's leadership structure." Danny replied

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing something to stop them now but you aren't worried the Hand and the Empire are connected somehow?" Colleen asked

"That wouldn't make any sense. Gao's only link to the Empire was through Rand Enterprises but the Empire have complete control of Rand. Our investigation has led us to this back alley drug den. This was the same place Ward used to feed his drug addiction. It's connected to the Hand through their smuggling operations."

"Ok so you're clearly thinking this through. You've proven that you're capable of stopping the Hand and when you do we'll find K'un-Lun. I believe in you Danny."

Colleen gave Danny a quick kiss.

"What was that for?" Danny said while grinning

"You believed in me after I left the Hand. Thank you. Let me believe in you."

"Ok. You being here with me through all of this means everything Colleen. Let's search through here and we'll find a lead that will allow us the opportunity to find Alexandra. It's only a matter of time before we find some clue as to what she's planning."

Just as Danny finished saying this an explosion could be heard a block away. They both ran towards the loud boom and discovered a tall dark haired woman and a shorter black man get to their feet.

"Hey you two we need to ask you some questions!" Colleen yelled

The dark haired woman yelled we need to split up. Meet me back at the office. Colleen assumed that she must be connected to the Hand if she's shouting directions. Colleen ran towards her while Danny chased after the shorter black man. The woman ran away from Colleen with a surprising amount of speed. Colleen's hunch proved correct because the only way her target could be moving so quickly is if she was an elite warrior of the Hand.

Colleen stopped and gasped in shock as her target leapt up a fire escape as if she was floating. Disappearing from view Colleen was forced to give up her chase and find Danny. Danny was more successful pursuing his target cornering him at a dead end street. Danny shoved him against the wall and the shorter man started panicking. He struggled to slip free but Danny kept pressing him further against wall.

"Where is your boss? How did you smuggle these weapons during an Imperial lockdown for Project TIE Defender?" Danny demanded

"I don't know anything. I'm trying to figure out what's going on just like you are." Malcolm replied

"Hey let that guy go. He told you he doesn't know anything." Luke called out

"You need to leave. This doesn't concern you." Danny replied

Before Danny could turn around to continue his interrogation. Luke grabbed Danny and threw him into a dumpster.

"Tell Jessica when there's a moment after all this craziness is dealt with...me and her need to catch up." Luke said

Malcolm nodded and ran off while Danny leapt up and kicked Luke in the back. Luke stood there feeling no pain while Danny groaned in frustration. Danny was shocked that kicking this strange man was like kicking a brick wall.

"I don't know what kind of power you have but I'm not backing down. You're going to tell me what your involvement with that explosion is." Danny demanded

"Listen kid you need to take a hint. I don't want to have to hurt you." Luke warned

Danny threw multiple punches in a span of three seconds and Luke had no reaction. Danny could feel the stinging pain in his arms no different than training against a wooden dummy. Luke shoved Danny to the ground and Danny spun on the ground attempting a leg sweep maneuver. Luke still didn't budge and Luke kicked Danny several feet across the alleyway into a brick wall. Danny groaned as he law sprawled on the ground.

"Last warning kid. Stay down." Luke warned

"I'm not a kid. I'm the immortal Iron Fist." Danny said

Danny closed his eyes and meditated on the words of the elders in K'un-Lun. His right hand glowed a bright golden color and he clenched that hand into a fist. He turned and threw a punch at Luke's face and the force of the punch caused Luke to be thrown a dozen feet into a brick wall.

"Danny we need to go! This area is crawling with Stormtroopers!" Colleen called out

Danny stared at the wounded Luke Cage and thought about questioning him further. Yet he realized Colleen was right they were on the right track in their investigation but they needed to retreat. If the Stormtroopers saw them it would potentially lead Grand Admiral Thrawn to send a dedicated group of his forces to pursue them. Danny wanted to avoid any extra obstacles that could block his way to finding Alexandra. Danny ran towards Colleen and they escaped.

Luke slowly got to his feet his face throbbing in pain and his head pounding as if he had a migraine. He saw the troopers and he could see it was a contingent of 40 of them. In his current state Luke wasn't sure he could fight his way past them. Out of nowhere Luke felt a strong vibration and all the troopers were flung into a wall by a small Asian woman.

"Don't worry Simmons. I rescued him but the other two got away." The Asian woman said into a radio

"Who are you?" Luke asked

"Well that's a funny way of saying thank you. My friends call me Quake but you can call me Daisy."

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