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Maya's pov





This is what welcomed me in his office room.

The table is cleanly arranged. Everything is in it's own place. Arjun arranged everything when he left from his work. He always like neatness. He like everything arranged. He often clean the mess akshu created in her room when I was tired.

So it means he already left from here. But to where? He is not at the house. Then where did he go? I wish he is safe. My mind is filled with all negative thoughts now.

I left from the office and get down. I don't know what I do? Where is he?

Maybe he is with Samar. They usually spend time together. I planned to give him a call, maybe he know where my husband is. I searched for my phone. I realized that in worry I drop it in the car. I walk towards my car. It's very difficult to walk for me in this saree. I hate myself to choose saree for today.

On the way I saw the watchman.

"Ma'am do you need something? "

"Ravi, do you see Arjun leaving? "

"Yes ma'am sir leaves at 7.30 . I was just arrived that time"


"Ma'am Samar sir was also with them"

With that I left from there. I don't know I felt sone relief when I came to know about Samar, that he is also with them. But where did they go in this hour?

I took my phone from the car and dialled samar's number. I dialled many times but every time it went as voice mail. I know they are safe now. Bhut curiosity kills me. May be they are at samar's place.

I dialled swati's number. She is friend of mine. We get attached at our first meeting itself.

"Hello Swati"

"Hey maya, why are you calling this time? "In the worry about my husband I didn't pay attention to time. It midnight. I disturbed her.

" Oh I'm sorry for calling this time"

"Hey cut it, why do you call. You fine? "

"Yah, actually is samar is there? I'm dialling him for a long time"

"No maya. Samar's and Arjun's college friends landed today they are with them. I told him to reach here before 10. but that idiot didn't see it right? Let him come"

"Atleast he informed you" I felt like something clutching me from inside

"What? Arjun didn't informed you? Oh that idiots"

"Do you know where they are now? "

"No dear, maybe in club"

"Yah, they usually hang out there, DXB club"

"Are you going there? "


"I will come with you. Just 5 minutes"

"Ok I will pick you"

I don't know what I'm feeling now. I felt like a fool. A pathetic girl like in tv shows who wait for their husband to have dinner with them and getting hurt at the end.

I picked swati from her home which is on the way. She seems very furious because her husband didn't come home after her warnings. But I'm hurt. On the way she told the way she is going to punish him. Like doing laundry for next 2 weeks, taking charge of cleaning, preparing breakfast for next week, offering her shopping with his money.....

I realised I am in saree when we reach the club. I'm feeling like an odd one out. Even swati wear a crop top and Jean because she already knows about the club. While I'm like a police man who search for the one who is kidnapped. Without bothering the surrounding we entered the club. I didn't pay attention to the one who look at me weird.

We move inside the club. This place is filled with so many people.

It reminds me about my past days. There was a time we went here at almost every weekend. I first came here with my friends. Feeling nostalgic.

Later when arjun came to my life, I came here with him. He helps me to sneak out from my house for long drives and clubbing. He likes it. With him I enjoyed it every time. We also spend time with swati and samar here. We four often cone here with our friends. This place strengthen our bond between ech other and also among our friends. My friendship with samar and swati also become stronger.

He become very possessive too that time. He even made me promise that I only came to club only with him when day one guy tried to flirt with me.

Samar is funny loving guy while swati is a strict daring girl. There bond is sweet. It's fun to see scared samar and furious swati. That's an amazing scene. Samar used to call me for tips to make swati agreed for something or to meke swati calm. Sometimes swati calls me to deliver a speech about samar's childishness. She complains like a daughter in law. I and arjun enjoys there fight.

Even after akshu's birth we used to come here. But from so many months we didn't. I wish he come to me and ask for clubbing. But he is too busy for it. But he didn't forgot clubbing. Just forgot to take his wife with him.

Ok let's go to my dear loving husband. I'm searching him for the last fifteen minutes in this club.

Finally we began moving to first floor.

There sitting my husband with a beer in his hand , a infectious smile in his face talking to his long friends without bothering about the surrounding and time.

He forgot about his home. He forgot about the wife who is waiting for him at the house. He forgot about inform about his late night plans. He forgot about her birthday. It's already 1.30am.

My birthday ends one And half our ago in longing to see my husband worry about his wellbeing.

Ooh, so this is it. I already mentioned about the arrival of arjun's friends in weekend in previous chapters. So it's them.

Let's see what happens next. Maya is so hurt. She trying to fit so badly. But a relationship didn't work from a single side right? Arjun didn't know about all these his wife is feeling. So bad.

Wait for next update..
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