12. Suprise

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A surprise update for my fellow readers❤💫

Arjun's pov

I tried to get the arm of the women around my waist. I get it off from my body and turned. I was surprised to find neha here, my college friend

Not only her, rahul, jay, nayana also entered my office one after another.

"Cool man, it's me" Neha said

"Who the hell surprise someone like this? I replied

" Hello, we know that you love your wife enough ok"-neha

" what you think the girls are trying hard to get you. Come out the illusion man. You are not that much handsome " - rahul

"Hello you guys don't know about me"I smirked

"Yaah he didn't lost his heart breaker headline among girls. Hate to admit his charm works without even trying" Samar replied them.

"When you guys arrived? "

"You don't know about this" -jay said while rolling his eyes but it seems damn funny to me

"Samar didn't you tell him" -nayana

"What yes, I told you before 3 days before man"

"Seriously arjun. We are meeting after a year and all you forget this"-rahul

"Oh sorry guys, really I really got much involved in the project and meeting. Between all these I forgot"

"Thank god you don't get another meeting and you came otherwise we couldn't meet" -neha seems pissed

"Ok guys sorry. Tell me what can I do "

"Maybe clubbing" -jay

"That sounds tempting"-Samar

"It's already night guys" -nayana

"Hello people goes clubbing in night not in daylight ok"-jay

"But.. " I tried to interfere

"No more fights clubbing it is"

"Ok fine"

We left to the club in two cars

We reached there. It's crowded today. A birthday party is held at a corner so everyone is busy there. We all reached the first floor and settled there.

Sitting with them make me feel relaxed.

College days which fills colours in life journey in the form of lessons

Best time in one's life. Where there is no tention about future. No workload. No tension. Talking about my college life, I had enjoyed my college life to the fullest and had some of the best college days of my life.

One of the best things about college life is that you get a new experience every day. In my college life, along with studying, I and my friends enjoyed a lot of other things. We traveled to lots of places, had new experiences, and learned many new things. Our college's canteen was a remarkable place in my college life as whenever we got time, we used to chill in the canteen.

I didn't know that One fine day, you will be silently smiling with wet eyes, looking at the pictures from your college and old friends, and remembering all the good times you had in your college days. That is the beauty of studying in a college. Despite climbing the ladders of success, you will cherish the memories of your college life.

That's life everything is not permanent.

Things end but memories last forever.

Here's to the nights that turned into mornings with the friends that turned into family.

We talked a lot. A lot. About our current lives,past memories,our pranks ,college function. We even called some of our common friends together. We ate food together.

We all didn't notice about the time. My phone already died due to poor battery.

We all fully concentrated in our talks. Suddenly I noticed someone coming towards us. Samar also looked there where my gaze pinned.

It's My wife. Maya.

But what is she doing here. She is wearing my favorite saree which I gifted her.she looks damn beautiful in it Swati is also with her.

What they are even doing here. She is fully dressed for a date. Did they know about my friends arrival? If yes how did they know? Are they planned to surprise us? Maybe Samar said. But Samar seem himself surprised after seeing swati.

We both walk towards our wifes.

"Maya what are you doing here? Something happened?"

"What I can only come to you is something happened"

"Are you ok? "

"What I'm satisfied, " Sarcasm ia not hidden in her words

"It's late night. Why do you come here?

" Can't I come here? "

"Maya, stop playing with words" I told annoyed. My friends don't here us. They are waiting at the table for us.

"Really arjun I'm damn worried about you and you find my words annoyed"

"Maya it's public place ok. Keep your sound low"

"Why are you not answering my calls? You know that I'm waiting for you right. "

"Can't you see. Rahul, jay, neha, nayana all they come as a surprise, what could I do?leave them and go to house"

"I'm not telling that you should leave them. I only asked about you why didn't you answer my calls at least you should inform me where you wereyou. I went to your office"

"First my phone already switched off due to low battery and I was coming to home suddenly they came as a surprise. And also I'm not a kid to inform you about where I'm going and all ok"

"Arju.. " Her words are intrepted by rahul.

"Hey done your love talks, when are you coming here. Should we wait for some more time"

"You guys are together all time spare some time for us too guys we are leaving soon"

"Come, let's talk at home" I held her hand and went to our table.

Samar is looking tensed. It's not rocket science to find it. It will be hard for him for next 2 weeks according to swati. I can clearly see an angry swati. She soon masked it with a smile in front of others. Maya is not different. She also put a fake smile. But she looks more hurted than angry. But what for its just a clubbing I also don't want to inform about everything about her. It's not that I went early home everyday. I usually stay late in office

I think I should ask for forgiveness. Maybe she worried so much. Also my phone was also not working.

Maya and swati also involved in our talks. But Maya seems little off. I don't know what happened. Any way we are going to discuss it in house.

After sometime we left the club and headed towards our own home. Let's wait for what happens there

Hey, a fast update for you guys. Looks like they are going to discuss something once they reach home. What will be it? Let's wait and watch, right?
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