Chapiter 7

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The next day I wake up quietly, I push Etienne a little to make him wake up. He rubs his eyes and looks at me. He is not completely, I smile and whisper in his ear that we have to wake up because we have to leave soon, he nods and I get out of bed. He gets out of bed and goes to the dining room, I change quickly and join him anyway.

-From what I can see my girlfriend is from the morning. Edouard says to tease his brother.

-She's not my girlfriend but my friend.

-Yet she looks funny like that girl from when you were little.

-Shut up Edouard, you're annoying me.

I laugh and settle in with them, his mother comes to give them a kiss on the top of the head before leaving for work and their father follows. Etienne goes to his room to get dressed. So I take the opportunity to know more about the girl, her family is only talking since I arrived.

-Who is this little girl you were talking about yesterday?

-She was Etienne's very first love, he loved her very much, he promised to get the moon for her, but she moved to who knows where, he never lost hope of seeing her again even though everyone knew he would never see her again.

-What did she look like?

-She was brown with sunny blonde highlights and had blue eyes. She was very nice, physically I don't remember because it's been a long time. But she was a really nice girl.

-I hope he will find her.

-We too, even if we think it's all over. I'll tell you something that only me and Paul know.

-I promise not to tell anyone.

-Since the departure of his first lover he never knew how to get back together. And even today he only loves her. And I even think that if he's attached to you it's because he saw a part of her in you.

I nod and from the corner of our eyes we see Etienne arrive to zipper up his pants, once he's ready he gives me my bag, I put on my shoes and my coat then we leave for the school. Once arrived we look for Ethan. When we find him we see him with a girl talking and laughing.

Edouard's point of view:

I told all to Angelica because I know it's her, she's the girl he loved when he was little, she looks very much like him, I'm ready to put my hand to it. If it's not her I don't understand. I feel this chemistry between them, the same as he and his former lover had, if only I could remember her name. It would help me a lot more. I hope I am not wrong about him and I don't regret what I have done.

I go to Etienne's room remembering the picture he keeps hidden in his drawer of him and this girl. I find it and take my phone, would be necessary that the brother thinks of tidying his room one day, because all the clothes in ball in his cupboard it is not very beautiful. I look for Angelica's Instagram, once I found it I ask her. She accepts me quickly enough, once done I look in her wrongs on the front page a photo of her little or now, bingo there is one. I compare and yes it is indeed her portrait spit. I hear the door to enter open, I hurry to put the photo away.

-What are you doing in your brother's room? asked my mother, who poked her head in the doorway.

-I think I'm going to tidy up his closet because it's stressing me out.

-I remind you that you have class in two hours so go get ready, I'll tell him to do it tonight.

-Okay, Mom. By the way, just thinking about it, you don't remember what Etienne's former lover's name would be?

-You also try to remember?


She takes me in her arms and I go to get dressed.

Angelica's point of view:

My phone starts vibrating in my pocket, who is it? I discreetly turn on my phone and see that it's Edward who asked me on Instagram, I quickly accept it and focus back on the course. He's the only one in the Michut family who wasn't subscribed to me.

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