Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

‘What did he say? Are you alright? He didn’t start the mating process, did he?’ Ashley fired questions, one after the other.

I chuckled, causing her to frown, confused. ‘I’m fine. And no, he didn’t start the mating process.’ I replied, hoping she wouldn’t notice that I had purposely avoided the first question because I was pretty sure that Damon preferred that it remained between us.

It was amusing to see the relief wash over their faces. There were Damon’s parents, his grandmother, Ashley, Austin and Jake in the room, all hounding me with questions. They had brought me to a room as soon as I had left Damon’s corridor. It got quite annoying actually after a while. But after a few moments they noticed that I didn’t actually want to talk about what happened and they stopped the questions.

‘Ok, so now can I leave? Had enough?’ I teased, a smile playing on my lips. It caused them to laugh and start murmuring apologies but I just waved them off.

Ashley threw her arm around my shoulder and we went back to her room with Austin. Jake went to hang out with Damon, I’m guessing, and Elena, Jack and Claudia went back to whatever they were doing.

 It was already Sunday and the next day I would be going back to school for the first time as a werewolf who wasn’t rejected. Well… this should be interesting, I thought. We spent the day laughing in Ashley’s room about different, random things. Honestly, I couldn’t remember a time where I had friends like these that cared so much about me.

The next day I woke up refreshed and ready for the day to come, not regretting it before it even began for once. It was actually quite relieving to feel this way. I had thought that I would never have the chance to feel like this ever again.

I changed into a pair of running shorts and a tank top and went running. But while doing this, my thoughts reverted to Damon, as I had often found them doing. Honestly, I wanted to try to get to know him but the problem was that I didn’t trust him one little bit. My experience had left me unable to trust. Also, I really had no idea how to act around boys. I had never had a boyfriend, no one had ever been interested in me but now I had a mate and that cause a problem for someone that had no idea how to act around boys.

Before I knew it an hour had passed and I was hardly even tired. Usually, I hurried up so that I would be out of the track before 6am as Damon would usually come at that time but this time I lingered there. I took my time cooling down and slowly drinking my bottle of water.

I smelt him before I saw him; he had a particular smell that sent my wolf crazy. It made her restless and wanted to have some kind of contact with him. I restrained myself from letting my jaw drop open when I saw him. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts, his muscular legs showing, and a black t-shirt that did nothing to hide his well-defined muscles. I could literally feel my cheeks burning up from the blush that rose to my cheeks.

My eyes flickered to his face and I saw that he was doing the same to me as I was doing to me. But his eyes had darkened the longer he stared at me. I looked down at myself and I saw nothing special. On the contrary, I was all sweaty and stinky and my clothes were sticking uncomfortably to my body. I heard him clear his throat and I looked up. His eyes were closed, his face scrunched up as if in pain. Then slowly he opened them and they were back to their normal blue colour.

‘Hi,’ he said simply, flashing me a smile.

My stomach swarmed with butterflies from his smile but I was able to keep my composure and ignore my wolf’s pleas. ‘Hi,’ I murmured back, trying to smile back.

We stood staring at each other for a few moments, me analysing his every facial feature. He was tanned, had a strongly set jaw, those beautiful blue eyes that I had come to love with long eyelashes, a straight nose and full, pink lips that at that moment never looked more kissable. Then he groaned, the pained face returning.

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