Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke up, I didn’t know what day it was, it felt like I had been sleeping for days. I opened my eyes and I felt sharp pains in my heart. Memories of what happened flooded through my mind and I couldn’t stop the tears flowing freely from my eyes. Suddenly the door opened wide and in walked Ashley and Austin.

‘Emma, we can feel your pain from rooms away!’ Ashley said, tears also in her eyes. ‘You’ve been asleep for 3 days, you need to eat something.’

I couldn’t even talk so I just shook my head.

‘Fuck Damon! I am going to fucking kill him!’ That was the first time I had ever heard her swear. Hearing his name made the pain in my chest worse. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and never wake up. I didn’t want to feel this pain anymore.

Vanessa and Selena walked in to with food in their hands. I sat up in my bed but it was just too uncomfortable so I just sank back down.

‘Eat!’ Vanessa shoed the food in front of my face but I just shook my head. Even the thought of food made my stomach churn. ‘Damn it Emma you have to eat!’

‘NO!’ I shouted with so much force that they took a step back. Then it lowered down to barely a whisper, ‘I’m sorry, it just hurts so much.’ More tears streamed down my face.

‘I know but we’ll get him to take it back. Don’t worry even if we have to force him,’ Ashley said softly.

I shook my head. ‘No, I don’t want a mate who doesn’t even like me. The pain will go away eventually, I hope.’ They all looked at me in sympathy and I knew that they were hiding something from me. ‘What are you not telling me? That it will never go away? I can live with that! I’ll get used to it.’

‘No Emma you don’t understand,’ Ashley mumbled. ‘When an alpha or soon-to-be alpha rejects his mate, she will die.’

I gasped. ‘No, he wouldn’t do that!’ I was barely able to choke out.

‘He would, I know my brother. That’s why I was trying to tell you to fight him.’

I suddenly understood why she was so persistent that day on trying to get him away from me. I was so stupid; I should have listened to her. I felt more pain and I didn’t know how much more I could take. I clawed at my heart to try to get it stop while sobs escaped my mouth. The girls all crawled into the bed with and stayed with me. Sometime between me crying and them comforting me I fell asleep again. But my dreams weren’t any better.

In my dreams I was back in the room where Damon had rejected me. But this time was different. When Damon pulled in the room he turned me around and crushed his lips to mine, starting the mating process. I immediately responded and kissed him back, liking the feeling his soft lips felt against mine. I tangled my hands in his hair while he snaked his arm around my waist crushing me even closer to him. Suddenly he pulled back and stared in my eyes while I stared into his beautiful blue ones. He smirked evilly and pushed me away from him. I stumbled back, confused by his actions.

Then he repeated the words, ‘I, Damon soon-to-be alpha, reject you, Emma, as my mate.’

That was when I woke up screaming and sweating. It was like my mind was tormenting me. The pain was worse than ever and I didn’t know how much more I could take. Suddenly students were barging in my room, all wearing worried faces with the headmistress in the lead.

‘Emma, what’s wrong? I can feel your pain from the other side of the school.’ Headmistress Keller asked me. I shook my head, as if to tell her ‘nothing’, because I couldn’t speak yet.

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