Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


The next morning I woke to an immense pain shooting up my spine. I was only able to keep the scream that was about to escape my lips. I wasn’t sure what it was at first but then I remembered that I was going to shift today. I looked at the clock on the bedside table and I saw that it was only 4am. I didn’t want to go wake up my family yet so I just bared the pain. Every couple of minutes, pain would shoot up my spine and I would grip the sheets and contain my screams.

When I couldn’t take the pain anymore I got out of the bed, only to fall because I couldn’t stand up straight because of the pain. I crawled to the nearest bedroom and knocked furiously on the door. Ashley opened the door; looking annoyed, but once she saw me on the floor doubled over with pain she quickly became worried. She woke up Austin and he went to get my parents.

‘Ashley, please help me. It hurts really badly,’ I cried out to her.

‘Shh it’s ok, I know. It will pass, just bear with it,’ she said while stroking my hair. Tears were now streaming down my face; it was getting worse by the second. My parents quickly came and when my mother saw me she began crying as well.

‘Oh Emma, I’m really sorry.’ She bent down next to me.

‘I think we better take her to a bed,’ my father said. When everyone nodded, he picked me up, bridal style and took me to my room where he laid me down on my down. Ashley sat down next to me.

‘Emma, listen to me, when the pain changes and you’ll know when it does, tell me, ok?’ she said to me. I just nodded because I couldn’t even talk.

Everyone stayed beside me whispering comforting words to me. The pain was becoming less frequent but when it did come it was more powerful than before. I would just whimper and tears would continue flowing down my face. Suddenly, just as Ashley said, the pain changed. It was all over my body but thank God, it was a small dose each time.

‘Ashley,’ I tried to whisper. With her supersensitive hearing she did hear me and she understood me instantly.

‘Guys we’re getting closer. Now I need you to carry her outside in the garden so she’ll have space to shift.’ She said while pointing to my father. He nodded and slowly without trying to hurt me, which he still did, picked me up again and took me outside and set me down, sitting down on the grass. Ashley came to sit next to me, ‘Emma does it still hurt?’

‘It’s getting less and less every second,’ I was surprised I could even talk and I could see that so was everyone else.

‘Ok good, now Emma you have to listen to me. In a few minutes after all the pain is gone, you’re going to think it’s all over but it’s not. You’ll feel more pain than you felt before all together,’ I winced at her words knowing they were the truth because she had gone through it recently. ‘You can’t fight it because if you do it’s going to be even worse, ok? Promise me that you won’t.’

‘I’ll try,’ I mumbled. She nodded and rubbed my back. After a couple of minutes I was feeling so much better, I couldn’t believe it. I tried to not be too happy because I knew that the worst was yet to come but I couldn’t help it. Suddenly, immense pain that I have never felt before shot all through my body. I screamed out and fell to the floor, doubled over.

‘Emma, don’t fight it. Let it. I know it hurts but please,’ I barely heard Ashley pleading to me. She kept shouting to me the same thing.

One second I was doubled over in pain and the next it was all gone and I was staring at my wide-eyed parents and Austin and Ashley grinning at me. I looked down and I saw paws, big white, fluffy paws. They were my paws; I had turned into a wolf. I was really happy because I had done it. Then I heard someone talking to me.

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