Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Today I would be going back to the school. I wanted to go but I didn’t want to go at the same time. I didn’t want to leave my parents because I knew I would miss them but I wanted to go because I would be learning new stuff now. I would learn more about who I am and how to deal with it and Ashley even told me that since there would be so many werewolves all together I might even find my mate. I was excited about that, I wanted to know how it felt to be wanted and loved. My past experiences weren’t so kind to me.

I packed and by 9am I was ready to go. I hugged my parents goodbye with tears in my eyes and went in the car. This time it seemed there were more guards with us. I nudged Ashley.

‘Hey, why is there more security with us this time?’ I asked her.

‘I don’t know but I’ll ask them. They have to tell me even if they aren’t allowed to, one of the many perks of being an alpha’s daughter; I get to know everything.’ She turned to one of the guards and asked him in a very demanding tone, ‘Why are there more of you this time? I thought my dad let me take only 2 guards. There are about 10 now. What’s happening?’ His eyes flicked to me. ‘Don’t worry; you can speak in front of her. I trust her.’

The guard nodded and responded, ‘There have been rogue attacks all over the country and your father is worried that they will try to capture you to try to use as leverage. He isn’t happy that you left the school.’

‘What are rogues?’ I asked.

Instead of Ashley answering me the guard did, ‘That is none of your business!’

‘Hey, don’t speak to her like that,’ Ashley snapped, now pissed off. He bowed in apology, and then she turned to me. ‘Rogues are werewolves who belong to no pack, they follow no rules. They kill whoever they want. They are very dangerous and are always trying to overthrow the alpha. My father is worried that they will capture me and force him to step down as alpha so that they can rule.’

‘Oh my god, this is all my fault, I should have never asked you to come with me. I’m putting you in danger and not only you.’

‘No, don’t say that, if I thought that I would be in danger I wouldn’t have come. Emma, it’s not your fault, stop worrying.’

I nodded but remained silent for the rest of the ride back to the school. When we arrived I could see that more security was put up all around the school. I guess everyone was worried about the rogues. We arrived late at night so we straight to our dorms to rest.

The next day, I woke up bright and early at 5am and went for my usual run. I put on my gear and crept quietly out of room. Even though by now I knew that we were allowed at this time I still tried to remain quiet because most of the students would still be asleep. I ran like I never had run before, I preferred running in my human form rather than my wolf form. I don’t know why.

Just as I was leaving the track just after 6am I had a whiff of air and the smell was the most amazing smell I had ever smelt before. It was one of the seas blended with strawberries. It was mouth-watering.

‘Mate!’ my wolf shouted at me in my head.

‘What?’ I was confused.

‘Mate!’ she repeated with urgency. ‘Our mate is near!’

It clicked in my head but I didn’t think I would find my mate so soon. I turned around to see if someone was here but I couldn’t see anyone. Maybe my wolf was wrong and it wasn’t my mate that I had smelt. I kept on walking to my dorm and got ready for school. I made a mental note to ask Ashley about the experience I had this morning. My morning classes went by quickly and I didn’t smell anything which strengthened my belief that it was all in my head.

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