Katie - First day at school

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"Good morning, Katie, rise and shine. Today is your first day at school. Are you excited?"

Katie lifted herself bleary-eyed from her sleep, a little confused by her surroundings, and then remembering everything, she smiled at Miss Anderson and began to re-acquaint herself with her new room in Miss Anderson's house. Everything from yesterday came crashing back with its mixture of ups and downs. She immediately missed being woken by Nanny Morris, with her customary stroke of her cheek, and the smile she inevitably gave back. Her thoughts went back to her old friends in Nursery, and all they had gone through together: she had had no warning of the move out of Nursery and had had no chance for goodbyes. When out on walks she had caught sight of schoolgirls either on their way back from school with their guardians, or, occasionally walking in crocodile, flanked by teachers and keeping their attention focussed straight ahead. Might she steal a glance or even a wave back at her Nursery friends should the opportunity present itself.

Miss Anderson was opening the curtains and the sun streamed through causing Katie to hold her hands up to shade her eyes. Miss Anderson marched over and lifted back the duvet, not quite managing to hide the look on her face when the sour odour hit her nostrils. "Let's get you freshened up shall we, Poppet?"

Minutes later, Katie stood by her bed, her nightie off and a fresh new nappy and plastic pants securely fastened on her, waiting for Miss Anderson to prepare her for the day. "Let's get all that sleep washed out of your face before we get you into your new uniform." Katie felt her hand taken as she was led to the bathroom, the scene of last night's enema, which brought back a physical wince of dread. Sensing this, Miss Anderson took Katie's other hand and looked her directly in the eye. "I'm sure you didn't enjoy last night's "procedure" any more than I did administering it, but it has to be done each week. I'm sure you will get used to these and all my other methods while you are here, and accept that they are all put in place for your own good. You do understand that don't you?"

"Yes Miss" came the meek and unconvinced reply.

"Good girl" The sink was then filled with warm water and a face cloth moistened and soaped. "Ready poppet?" but without waiting for a reply, Miss Anderson lifted Katie's fringe out of the way with one hand while the other splayed the washcloth across Katie's face before vigorously scrubbing everywhere, including neck and ears, leaving her with a film of white in streaks across the whole of her face. Katie had learned, on pain of a swift leg slapping, not to scrunch up her eyes, and she duly submitted herself to this ignominious and childish process. Daring to open one soap-smeared eye, she squinted into the mirror to see her ashen face looking more like Queen Elizabeth I on a bad day. The wash-cloth now rinsed and wrung out, Miss Anderson wiped off the soap before lifting a white fluffy towel and drying Katie's face. She bent a little so that her face was level with Katie's and smiled at her in the mirror. "That's better isn't it, Poppet?"

Katie smiled back automatically "Yes, Miss. Thank you, Miss"

"Are you excited to wear your new uniform for the first day?"

"Yes, Miss. It is very smart. I used to have one like it when I was much younger." Katie blushed as she said this, but not knowing exactly why.

"We'll have you looking just like the other girls you are going to meet in no time at all." Again Katie felt her hand taken and back they went to her bedroom to get dressed and ready for her new adventure.

Downstairs a breakfast of porridge awaited Katie, not too hot and not too cold – just right. Her place had been set in front of the backless stool and Miss Anderson held out a new pinnie for her. "We'll keep you in Nursery pinnies for a while until I think you are ready, Katie."

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